
Returns the tangent of an angle (Double).

numberThe number you want the tangent of in radians (Double).

* This function takes an angle and returns the ratio of two sides of a right angled triangle.
* The tangent ratio is the length of the side opposite the angle divided by the length of the side adjacent to the angle.
* If your argument is in degrees, multiple it by PI/180 to convert it to radians.
* If your argument is in radians, multiply it by 180/PI to convert it to degrees.
* The reciprocal of this function (1/TAN) is called the cotangent.
* You can use the ATN function to return the inverse of this function (arc-tangent).
* You can use the COS function to return the cosine of a number.
* You can use the SIN function to return the sine of a number.
* The equivalent Excel function is Application.WorksheetFunction.TAN
* The equivalent .NET function is [[System.Math.Tan]]
* For more information, refer to the Trigonometry > Tan Function page.
* For the Microsoft documentation refer to learn.microsoft.com

Debug.Print Tan(0)             '= 0  
Debug.Print Tan(0.5) '= 0.546
Debug.Print Tan(0.785) '= 1
Debug.Print Tan(1) '= 1.557
Debug.Print Tan(-1) '=
Debug.Print TypeName(Tan(20)) '= "Double"

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