When you identify a technique think about how they might be linked to a theme, setting or character.
Also called Figures of Speech.
1) What is an Alliteration ?
The repetition of the same sounds (mainly consonants) usually at the beginning of words.
Eg: The suffocating Stream filled the room
the repetition of the "s" sound adds to the discomfort of the noun.
2) What is Antithesis ?
Noun. A person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else.
3) What is Circumlocution ?
The use of a purposely wordy description.
Noun. The use of many words where fewer would do, especially in a deliberate attempt to be vague or evasive:
4) What is Emotive Language ?
The term used when certain word choices are made to evoke an emotional response in the reader.
5) What is Epigram ?
A clever and memorable statement.
6) What is Euphemism ?
A way to say something in an understated manner, avoid difficult topics.
7) What is Hyperbole ?
A deliberatre exaggeration that adds emphasis, urgency or excitement to a statement.
8) What is Irony ?
A situation that subverts a readers excitement to a statement.
9) What is Listing ?
A number of connected items written one after the other.
Eg: Sophie saw that the garden was over flowing with daisies, roses, sun-flowers, foxgloves and pretty weeds of all shapes and heights.
the listing gives a vivid sense of the gardens abundance and beauty.
10) What is Litotes ?
A double negative to create a positive.
11) What is a Metaphor ?
An expression which something is described / associated with something else
The direct comparison of dissimilar things to create more vivid imagery or understanding.
A comprison made without using "like" or "as"
Eg: His home was a castle
his home is presented as a secure and safe place to be
12) What is a Metonymy ?
A lteracy device in which a word or object stands in for a closely related word or object.
13) What is a Motif ?
Any repeated idea, theme or image that has a symbolic significance in the text.
Eg: rotton apple, feverish heat, plague of flies, sickened tree
the repeated references to illness could symbolise the moral sickness with the narrative.
14) What is Onomatopoeia ?
The sounds of words to express or underline their meaning
A word that sounds like its meaning.
Eg: Howling, the cat ran through the house
we get the sense of the cats terror from the sound of the word howling
15) What is Oxymoron ?
A phrase that uses two contradictory words to create a new meaning.
16) What is Paradox ?
A statement that appears to contradict itself but contains some truth, theme or humour.
17) What is Personification ?
A type of imagery in which non-human objects, animals or ideas are given human characteristics.
Eg: The wind screamed through the trees
the wind is given the human characteristic of screaming. This creates an uneasy atmosphere.
18) What is Repetition ?
Words, phrases or ideas are repeated for effect
Eg: Stephen tried and tried and tried to get the ball in the net.
the repetition emphasises the effort exerted and Stephen's desperation at his failed attempts.
19) What is a Simile ?
A simile is a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind.
A comparison made using "like" or "as" to create a vivid image
Eg: She had a smile like the sunrise
her smile seems bright and full of hope
20) What is Term of Address ?
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