1) How many words are there in the English language ?
There are about 170,000 words.
2) How many different types of words are there ?
Words can be grouped together into 4 categories (or word classes)
Adjectives -
Adverbs -
Determiner -
Nouns -
Preposition -
Verbs -
3) What is a Definition ?
Also known as Denotation.
This is the meaning of a word.
4) What is Vocabulary ?
A collection of words or (words and phrases) usually alphabetically arranged and explained or defined
5) What is a Connotation ?
These are the ideas that the word links to
Eg: desk (the definition is a table)
but the connotation is of work and study.
6) What is an Antonym ?
An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning to another word.
7) What is a Synonym ?
A word with the same or similar meaning to another word.
8) What is a Homophone ?
A word that has the same sound as another word but a different meaning (or spelling)
Eg: "there" and "their"
Eg: are
9) What is a Homonym ?
A word that has the same spelling as another word, but a different meaning
Eg: "right" - correct or direction opposite of left
Eg: "book" - which can mean "something to read" or "the act of making a reservation.
Eg: "lie" - to recline or to tell a lie
10) What is an Abbreviation ?
A word or words that are shortened.
11) What is a Contraction ?
Contractions are a unique type of word that combines two or more other words in a shortened form, usually with an apostrophe
She + Has = she's
They + Are = They're
12) What is a Prefix ?
A prefix is a group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning.
Eg: un, dis
13) What is a Suffix ?
A suffix is a group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning.
Eg: ly, ful
14) What is a Compound Word ?
A word made up of two words
Eg: toothbrush
Eg: football
15) What is a Stressed Word ?
Most words have one stressed syllable (and the other syllables are unstressed)
One syllable is said louder or with more emphasis than the others.
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