
1) What are Determiners ?
This is a type of word that is used before a noun.
It indicates whether it is general or specific.
It is used to introduce the noun or to provide more information on the noun, such as how many there are.

2) How many different types of Noun Determiners are there ?
There are 4 different types:

3) What is an Articles Determiner ?
These are the most commonly used determiners.
Eg: a, an the
If the noun begins with a vowel then 'a' is used, and if it begins with a consonant, then 'an' is used.
Eg: The dog carried (a) stick
Eg: (An) aeroplane suddenly appeared
Eg: (The) truck was very noisy

4) What is a Demonstrative Determiner ?
demontrative pronouns. These are: 'this', 'that', 'these', and 'those'.
Eg: I like "this" cake
Eg: "These" bananas are very ripe
Eg: I wanted "that" slice of pizza
Eg: I want "those" shoes

5) What is a Quantifier Determiner ?
Tell you how much, or what proportion of, the noun is being referred to
Eg: "All" of the boys went swimming
Eg: He ate "all" the pizza

6) What is a Possessive Determiner ?
possessive pronouns. Some nouns can belong to someone or something in particular. This can be used to identify that ownership. These can include 'my', 'your', 'her', 'his', 'our', and 'their'.
Eg: You are my best friend
Eg: The dog wagged its tail
Eg: This is his car
Eg: Today is our anniversary

7) What is a Noun Phrase ?

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