Table of Figures

You can have more than one table of figures in a document since it is a collection object.

TablesOfFigures object

ActiveDocument.TablesOfFigures.Add Range:=Selection.Range, _ 
                                   Caption:=wdCaptionLabelID.wdCaptionFigure, _
                                   IncludeLabel:=True, _
                                   UpperHeadingLevel:=1, _
                                   LowerHeadingLevel:=9, _
                                   UseFields:=False, _
                                   TableID:="", _
                                   RightAlignPageNumbers:=True, _
                                   IncludePageNumbers:=True, _
                                   AddedStyles:="", _
                                   UseHyperlinks:=False, _

Range - Returns a Range object that represents the portion of a document that is contained within the specified table of contents.
Caption -
IncludeLabel - (Boolean) Whether to include the caption label and caption number in the table of figures.
UpperHeadingLevel - (Long) Returns or sets the starting heading level for a table of contents.
LowerHeadingLevel - (Long) Returns or sets the ending heading level for a table of contents or table of figures.
UseFields - (Boolean) Whether to use Table of Contents Entry (TC) fields to create the table of figures.
TableID - (String) Returns or sets a one-letter identifier that's used to build a table of contents from TOC fields.
RightAlignPageNumbers - (Boolean) Whether page numbers are aligned with the right margin in the table of figures.
IncludePageNumbers - (Boolean) Whether to include page numbers in the table of contents. Read/write Boolean.
AddedStyles -
UseHyperlinks - (Boolean) Returns or sets whether entries in a table of contents should be formatted as hyperlinks when publishing to the Web.
HidePageNumbersInWeb - (Boolean) Returns or sets whether page numbers in a table of contents or a table of figures should be hidden when publishing to the Web.

List of Tables


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