User FAQs

1) How can I extract the changes ?
Open the document from which you want to extract tracked changes.
The document may be in any Word format, including. rtf).
No changes are made to the original document during the process.
The tracked changes in your document can be shown or hidden, it doesn't matter
Click Extract Changes on the ExtractChanges tab.
You can select from three extract types: Entire Document, Only selected content or only headers and footers
While data is examined and changes extracted, a progress bar will be shown on the screen. The information will be updated continuously so you can follow the progress.
When the extraction of data is finished, information about the extract is shown.

2) What type of changes will be picked up ?
All tracked changes
All comments

3) How to stop the extract process before it has finished ?
You may sometimes want to stop the extract process before it has finished. To do this, click the Stop Process button in the dialog box with the progress bar:

4) How can I upgrade from a previous version ?

5) How much does add-in cost and do you offer a FREE trial ?

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