Returns the array with its orientation changed.

arrayThe array or range of cells that you want to transpose.

* For an illustrated example refer to the Matrix Category page.
* This function can return multiple values.
* This function can create a Dynamic Array Formula.
* This function can be used to shift the vertical and horizontal orientation of an array or cell range on a worksheet.
* You must also highlight a range of cells which has the same number of rows and columns, respectively as the "array" argument.
* The first row of "array" will become the first column of the returned array.
* For a one off transpose you can use Paste Special - Transpose.
* You can use the MDETERM function to return the matrix determinant of an array.
* You can use the MINVERSE function to return the inverse matrix of an array.
* You can use the MMULT function to return the matrix product of two arrays.
* For the Microsoft documentation refer to
* For the Google documentation refer to

2=TRANSPOSE(1) = 1
3=TRANSPOSE({100,27}) = { 27; 100 }
4=TRANSPOSE({1,2,3,4}) = { 1; 2; 3; 4 }
5=TRANSPOSE({1;2;3;4}) = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }
6=TRANSPOSE({"a","b","c","d"}) = { "a" ; "b" ; "c" ; "d" }
7{=TRANSPOSE({"a",1;"b",2;"c",3;"d",4}) } = { "a" , 1 ; "b" , 2 ; "c" , 3 ; "d" , 4 }

1 - What is the transpose of a (1x1) array.
2 - What is the transpose of a (1x1) array.
3 - What is the transpose of a (1x2) array.
4 - What is the transpose of a (1x4) array.
5 - What is the transpose of a (4x1) array.
6 - What is the transpose of a (1x4) array.
7 - What is the transpose of a (2x4) array.

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