MMULT(array1, array2)

Returns the matrix product of two arrays.

array1The first array.
array2The second array.

* For an illustrated example refer to the Matrix Category page.
* This function can return multiple values.
* This function can create a Dynamic Array Formula.
* "array1" and "array2" are the arrays you want to multiply.
* The number of columns in "array1" must be the same as the number of rows in "array2", and both arrays must contain only numbers.
* The result is an array with the same number of rows as "array1" and the same number of columns as "array2".
* "array1" and "array2" can be given as cell ranges, array constants, or references.
* If any of the arguments are not numeric, then #VALUE! is returned.
* If any cells are empty or contain text, then #VALUE! is returned.
* If the number of columns in "array1" is different from the number of rows in "array2", then #VALUE! is returned.
* You can use the MDETERM function to return the matrix determinant of an array.
* You can use the MINVERSE function to return the inverse matrix of an array.
* You can use the TRANSPOSE function to returns an array with its orientation changed.
* For the Microsoft documentation refer to
* For the Google documentation refer to

1=MMULT({3}, {4}) = 1224
2=MMULT(B1, B2) = 842
3{=MMULT(B1:C2,B1:C2)} = { {20,16},{16,20} }  
4{=MMULT({1,3;7,2}, {2,0;0,2}) } = { {2,6},{14,4} }  

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