Shapes.AddCanvas | Removed in 2007 |
Shapes.AddCallout | Creates a borderless line callout shape |
Shapes.AddConnector | Creates a chart. Charts > VBA |
Shapes.AddCurve | Creates a connector shape |
Shapes.AddFormControl | Creates a bezier curve |
Shapes.AddLabel | Creates a Form Control. Macros > Worksheet Controls |
Shapes.AddLine | Creates a line shape |
Shapes.AddOLEObject | Creates an ActiveX control Macros > Worksheet Controls |
Shapes.AddPicture | Replaced with AddPicture2 |
Shapes.AddPicture2 | Creates a picture from an existing file |
Shapes.AddPolyline | Creates an open polyline or closed polyline shape |
Shapes.AddShape | Creates an Autoshape. |
Shapes.AddTextbox | Creates a textbox shape |
Shapes.AddTextEffect | Creates a WordArt |
Adds a picture to a worksheet.
The Shapes.AddPicture method does not have the Compress argument.
Dim oWsh as Excel.Worksheet
Dim oShape As Excel.Shape
Set oWsh = Application.ActiveSheet
Set oShape = oWsh.Shapes.AddPicture2(FileName:="C:\temp\image.bmp, _
LinkToFile:=msoTriState.msoFalse, _
SaveWithDocument:=msoTriState.msoTrue, _
Left:=80, _
Top:=80, _
Width:=80, _
Height:=80, _
FileName - The full path of the picture or graphic to insert
LinkToFile - Indicates whether the picture is linked or not
SaveWithDocument - Indicates whether the picture is saved in the worksheet (must be true in VBA. If set to false you set a "the specified value is out of range" error)
Left - The position of the left edge relative to the active cell (in points)
Top - The position of the top edge relative to the active cell (in points)
Width - The width of the picture (in points)
Height - The height of the picture (in points)
Compress - Determines whether the picture should be compressed when inserted
Dim oWsh as Excel.Worksheet
Dim oShape As Excel.Shape
Set oWsh = Application.ActiveSheet
Set oShape = oWsh.Shapes.AddShape(Type:=msoAutoShapeType.msoShapeMoon, _
Left:=20, _
Top:=20, _
Width:=20, _
Type -
Left - The position of the left edge relative to the active cell (in points)
Top - The position of the top edge relative to the active cell (in points)
Width -
Height -
Set oShape = oWsh.Shapes.AddShape(msoShape16pointStar, _
ActiveCell.Left, ActiveCell.Top, 80, 27)
ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddTextBox(Orientation:=msoTextOrientation.msoTextOrientationHorizontal, _
Orientation -
Left - The position of the left edge relative to the active cell (in points)
Top - The position of the top edge relative to the active cell (in points)
Width -
Height -
Shapes.AddTextBox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, Selection.Left, Selection.Top, 20, 20)
Shapes.AddTextBox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, Range("B2").Left, Range("B2").Top, 20, 20)
Adds WordArt
ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddTextEffect(PresetTextEffect:=, _
Text:=, _
FontName:=, _
FontSize:=, _
FontBold:=, _
FontItalic:=, _
Left:=, _
PresetTextEffect -
Text -
FontName -
FontSize -
FontBold -
FontItalic -
Left -
Top -
Pictures.Insert (depreciated)
In Excel 2007 this method inserts the picture as an embedded object
In Excel 2010 and later this method inserts the picture as a link (be warned)
This method is not displayed in the intellisense and is only available for backwards compatibility
Dim oWsh As Excel.Worksheet
Dim oPicture As Excel.Picture
Set oPicture = oWsh.Pictures.Insert(Filename:="C:\temp\picture.png")
oPicture.Width =
oPicture.Height =
oPicture.Left =
oPicture.Top =
oPicture.Placement = xlMoveAndSize
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