Alphabetical - N
Naked Position | A short position in a call option that is not combined with a long position in the underlying asset. |
NASDAQ | National Association of Securities Dealers |
National Debt | The total outstanding debt of the central government especially bonds and national savings |
New Issue | The placing of company shares on the stock exchange. |
NIF | Note Issuance Facility |
NMS | Normal Market Size - This is the classification concept replacing the three classes alpha, beta and gamma. It is based on a percentage of an average days trading. There are 12 bands and they are used to decide the minimum quote size, the maximum size for immediate publication of trades and the maximum size handled by the SAEF system (UK) |
No Arbitrage Assumption | The assumption that there are no arbitrage opportunities in market prices. |
Noise Trader | A trader who randonly buys and sells |
Non-Callable Bond | ?? |
Nonsystematic Risk | Risk that can be diversified away |
Normal Backwardation | A situation where the futures price is below the expected future spot price |
Normal Market | A market where futures prices increase with maturity. |
Notional | ?? |
Notional Principle | The principal used to calculate payments in an interest rate swap. The prinipal is "notional" because it is neither paid nor received. |
NPV | Net Present Value |
Numerical Procedure | A method of valuing an option when no formula is available. |
Naked Position A short position in a call option that is not combined with a long position in the underlying asset. |
NASDAQ National Association of Securities Dealers |
National Debt The total outstanding debt of the central government especially bonds and national savings |
New Issue The placing of company shares on the stock exchange. |
NIF Note Issuance Facility |
NMS Normal Market Size - This is the classification concept replacing the three classes alpha, beta and gamma. It is based on a percentage of an average days trading. There are 12 bands and they are used to decide the minimum quote size, the maximum size for immediate publication of trades and the maximum size handled by the SAEF system (UK) |
No Arbitrage Assumption The assumption that there are no arbitrage opportunities in market prices. |
Noise Trader A trader who randonly buys and sells |
Non-Callable Bond ?? |
Nonsystematic Risk Risk that can be diversified away |
Normal Backwardation A situation where the futures price is below the expected future spot price |
Normal Market A market where futures prices increase with maturity. |
Notional ?? |
Notional Principle The principal used to calculate payments in an interest rate swap. The prinipal is "notional" because it is neither paid nor received. |
NPV Net Present Value |
Numerical Procedure A method of valuing an option when no formula is available. |
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