1) What is Multiplication ?
Multiply is the same as: find the product, times, groups or lots of.
The opposite (or inverse) of multiplication is division.
Multiplication is commutative (means producing the same result regardless of the order).
2) What is the Product of 2 Numbers ?
The product of two numbers is the result you get when you multiply them together.
3) What is the Product of 2 and 6 ?
(2 * 6) = 12
4) What does the word "OF" mean ?
Of means multiply
5) Can you Multiply 10 by 6 ?
(10 * 6) = 60
6) What are four tens ?
(10 * 4) = 40
7) What is 36 times two ?
(36 * 2) = 72
8) What is the answer "=2(2+4)" ?
This is calculated as "=2 x (2+4)"
A number next to (or outside of brackets) means the number is multiplied by what is inside the brackets.
9) Dave is reading a book that has a total of 512 pages.
There are 16 chapters of equal length.
What are the page numbers of Chapter 12 ?
10) Is multiplying by 30 the same as multiplying by 3 and then 10 ?
Multiplying by 30 is the same as multiplying by 10 and then multiplying by 3.
Multiplying by 30 is the same as multiplying by 3 and then multiplying by 10.
11) What is Multiplication - Long Method
Also known as Multiply With Regrouping
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12) What is Multiplication - Compact Method
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13) What is Multiplication - Grid Method / Area Method ?
The Grid Method involves partitioning numbers into tens and units before they are multiplied.
Repeated Addition
Multiplication Square
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