Adding up some numbers and getting an average to 4 decimal places
1) What is Place Value ?
Also known as Partitioning.
How the value of the number depends on where the number is placed.
H | T | O
2) What is Base 10
Our number system is based on multiplying by 10 (base 10).
3) What is Composing and Decomposing of Numbers ?
Composing - joining groups or a set of numbers, to make another number.
Decomposing - breaking numbers down to their component parts.
4) What is an Even Number ?
An even number is a whole number that can be divided by two into two equal whole numbers.
An even number can be quickly halved.
Be able to quickly double numbers.
5) Is the number Zero, odd or even ?
6) What are a pair of Numbers ?
A set of two numbers or objects linked in some way is said to be a pair.
7) What is a Digit ?
A digit is part of a number.
Some numbers can be written with just one digit (eg 7 has one digit, 25 has two digits, 234 has three digits).
8) Write three hundred and eighty two in numerals ?
9) What are Consecutive Numbers ?
Consecutive numbers are numbers that follow each other in order (from smallest to largest without gaps)
22, 24, 26, 28 and 30 are consecutive even numbers.
10) Is the sum of three consecutive numbers always divisible by three ?
11) What is a Sequence ?
A set of numbers, shapes or Quantities placed in order according to a rule.
12) What is Ascending order and Descending order ?
Ascending Order - Arranging numbers (or other items) from smallest to largest.
Descending Order - Arranging numbers (or other items) from largest to smallest.
13) What are the Four number operations ?
Addition -
Subtraction -
Multiplication -
Division -
Addition and Multiplication make whole numbers (Integers) larger.
Subtraction and Division make whole numbers (Integers) smaller.
14) What is the Bar Model method ?
Is a problem solving strategy.
This method uses a picture representation (with bars and boxes) to represent the known and unknown Quantities.
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15) What must I take away from 279 to make 146 ?
(279 - 146) = 133
16) How to add up a lot of small numbers ?
Write them all underneath one another and subtotal as you go
17) Add five to the sum of twelve and eighteen ?
5 + (12 + 18) = 35
18) Take nine from the sum of fifteen and thirteen ?
(15 + 13) - 9 = 28 - 9 = 19
19) What does Estimate mean ?
A sensible/realistic "guess" at the position of a number on a number line or at the Quantity of objects in a set.
20) Can you estimate and approximate number sums ?
Estimate how many buses pass our house every day.
Estimate how many people will be on the next bus that passes our house.
21) How many different ways (or combinations) can you arrange 3 digits ?
(3 x 2 x 1) = 6
22) How many different ways can you arrange 5 digits ?
5 Factorial - (5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1) = 121
23) What is BODMAS ?
BODMAS is an acronym to help children to remember the order of operations in calculations.
It stands for, 'Brackets, Order, Division and Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction.
When you have more than one operator they have to be applied in a specific order.
24) What is BIDMAS ?
The BIDMAS rule is an alternative acronym to BODMAS. The only difference is that there's an I instead of O
It stands for, 'Brackets, Indices, Division and Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction.
Indices are square numbers, powers and exponents.
25) What is double five plus nine ?
Divide and multiply before add and subtract.
(double five) plus nine = (5 + 5) + 9 = 10 + 9 = 19
double (five plus nine) = 2 x (5 + 9) = 2 x 14 = 28
26) What is 16 + 9 x 2 ?
Divide and multiply before add and subtract.
16 + (9 x 2) = 16 + (9 x 2) = 16 + 18 = 34
(16 + 9) x 2 = 15 x 2 = 30
27) What is a Prime Number ?
A number that has only two factors, one and itself.
The first 10 prime numbers are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29.
1 is not a prime number
2 is the only even prime number
Prime numbers greater than 10 end in 1, 3, 7 or 9
28) What is the difference between a Prime Number and a Composite Number ?
A prime number only has 2 factors, 1 and itself.
A composite number has more than 2 factors.
29) What are the Prime Factors of a number ?
These are the prime numbers which can be multiplied together to make that number.
30) What is a Remainder ?
This is what is left over.
31) Round 546 to the nearest 10 ?
32) When do you Round Up ?
If the decider digit is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9
33) When do you Round Down ?
If the decider digit is 1, 2, 3, or 4
34) What is a Rational Number ?
These are numbers that can be written as fractions.
They can be made by dividing two integers.
35) What is an Irrational Number ?
A number that cannot be written as a simple fraction.
These are decimal numbers that go on forever with not end.
For example one third as a decimal is an irrational number.
For example the square root of two is an irrational number.
36) How many different methods of rounding are there ?
Decimal Places (dp)
Significant Figures (sf)
Nearest Whole Number (10, 100, 1000)
37) What is a Mixed Number ?
A number is a number that has a whole number and also a fraction.
A decimal number can be changed into a mixed number.
38) What is a Whole Number ?
A positive number that does not have any fractions, remainders or decimals.
0 is a whole number.
39) Is dividing a whole number by a half, the same as multiplying it by 2 ?
40) What is an Integer ?
An integer is a whole number.
41) What is a Real Number ?
There are an infinite number of real numbers.
These are all real numbers: integers, fractions, decimals, rational and irrational numbers.
The opposite to real numbers are imaginary numbers.
42) What is a Squared Number ?
A square number is the result when a number has been multiplied by itself.
The first 10 Squared numbers are: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100
1 is a squared number.
Square numbers always have an odd number of factors because a square number is multiplied by itself, so that is a single number and not a pair of numbers.
43) What is a Cubed Number ?
A cubed number is the result when a number has been multiplied by itself 3 times.
The first 6 cubed numbers are: 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216
44) What is a Triangular Number ?
The triangular numbers are obtained by adding all the numbers together that come before it.
The first 10 triangular numbers are: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55
45) What is 5 to the power of 3 ?
5^3 = (5 * 5 * 5) = 125
46) What is 3 to the power of 4 ?
3^4 = (3 * 3 * 3 * 3) = 81
47) What is a Natural Number ?
Natural numbers can have two forms: ordinal or cardinal
48) What is a Cardinal Number ?
One, Two, Three, Four, Five
Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen
Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen
Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-One
49) What is an Ordinal Number ?
First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth
Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Nineth, Tenth
Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth
Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth
Nineteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-First
50) What is a Factorial Number ?
The factorial number is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to a given positive integer.
This is written as the integer number followed by an exclamation point.
Seven factorial = 7! = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7
51) What are the Factorial Numbers ?
52) What is Alphabetical Order ?
Words arranged in the order found in the alphabet.
53) A stationary shop buys pencils in packets of 12.
There are 16 packets in a box.
There are 25 boxes in the container.
How much will it cost them to buy each pencil.
Numeracy is the ability to understand numbers including fundamental arithmetic such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Numbers are arranged in tens
The numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 are called digits
Thousand | Hundred | Tens | Ones
The position of each digit tells us how much it is worth
This is called Place Value
Natural numbers
whole numbers
counting numbers
base 10 number system
Odd and Even Numbers
The order of operations:
division & multiplication
addition & subtraction
where the operators have equal priority then the order is taken from left to right
combination of operations
Plus (Plus) = Plus
Minus (Minus) = Plus
Plus (Minus) = Minus
Minus (Plus) = Minus
Plus x Plus = Plus
Minus x Minus = Plus
Plus x Minus = Minus
Minus x Plus = Minus
Plus / Plus = Plus
Minus / Minus = Plus
Plus / Minus = Minus
Minus / Plus = Minus
spurious accuracy ??
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