JavaScript Programming with VS CodeJavaScript Programming

-- Operator
! - NOT Operator
!= Type Coercion
!== Equality Operator
${...} - Template Literal
% - Remainder
&& - AND Operator
() - Parentheses
** - Exponentiation
*OrNullObject Methods
... Rest Operator
... Spread Operator
/// reference path
; - Semicolon
? - Conditional Operator
?: - Ternary Operator
@babel/polyfill - deprecated
\t - HTML Tab
_ Underscore Prefix
_references.js - Visual Studio 2015
` - BackTick
` - Template Strings
{} - Curly Brackets
{} Nested Block Scope
|| - OR Operator
++ Operator
== Equality Operator
== Type Coercion
=== Equality Operator
=> - Fat Arrow
=> Operator
0 Based Collections
1 Based Collections
2D Arrays
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