SETATTR(pathname, attributes)

Defines the attributes of a file or directory.

pathnameThe valid filename and path.
attributesA vbFileAttribute constant specifying the file attribute:
vbNormal (0)
vbReadOnly (1)
vbHidden (2)
vbSystem (4)
vbVolume (8)
vbDirectory (16)
vbArchive (32)
vbAlias (64)

* Sets attributes for the file or directory specified by the pathname.
* If you try to set the attributes of an open file, a run-time error will be generated.
* On a Macintosh the constants vbSystem and vbArchive are not available.
* You can use the DIR function to check if a file or directory exists.
* You can use the GETATTR function to return the attributes of a file or directory.
* The equivalent .NET statement is [[Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileSystem.SetAttr]]
* For the Microsoft documentation refer to

SetAttr("C:\Temp.txt", 2) 
SetAttr("C:\Temp.txt", vbFileAttribute.vbNormal)
SetAttr("C:\Temp.txt", vbFileAttribute.vbReadOnly)
SetAttr("C:\Temp.txt", vbHidden + vbReadOnly)

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