Alphabetical - S

SAVEPICTURESaves a graphic image from an objects Picture or Image property to a file.
SAVESETTINGWrites to the registry and saves a section or key in the registry.
SECONDReturns the seconds from a given time (Integer).
SEEK - FunctionReturns the current read/write position within a file opened using the Open statement (Long).
SEEK - StatementRepositions where the next operation in a file will occur.
SENDKEYSSends keystrokes to an application.
SETAssigns an object reference to an object variable.
SETATTRDefines the attributes of a file or directory.
SGNReturns the sign of a number (Integer).
SHELLReturns the program's task id from running an executable programs (Double).
SINReturns the sine of an angle in radians (Double).
SLNReturns the straight-line depreciation of an asset over a single period of time (Double).
SPACEReturns the specified number of spaces (Variant / String).
SPCInserts a specified number (n) of spaces when writing or displaying text.
SPLITReturns an array containing a specified number of substrings (Variant).
SQRReturns the square root of a number (Double).
STOPSuspends execution.
STRReturns the text string of a number (Variant / String).
STRCOMPReturns the result of a string comparison (Variant / Integer).
STRCONVReturns the text string converted to a specific case or type (Variant / String).
STRINGReturns a repeating character of a given length (Variant / String).
STRPTRReturns a LongPtr on a 64 bit version and a Long on a 32 bit version.
STRREVERSEReturns the text string with the characters reversed (Variant / String).
SWITCHReturns a value based on expressions (Variant).
SYDReturns the sum-of-years' digits depreciation of an asset (Double).
Saves a graphic image from an objects Picture or Image property to a file.
Writes to the registry and saves a section or key in the registry.
Returns the seconds from a given time (Integer).
SEEK - Function
Returns the current read/write position within a file opened using the Open statement (Long).
SEEK - Statement
Repositions where the next operation in a file will occur.
Sends keystrokes to an application.
Assigns an object reference to an object variable.
Defines the attributes of a file or directory.
Returns the sign of a number (Integer).
Returns the program's task id from running an executable programs (Double).
Returns the sine of an angle in radians (Double).
Returns the straight-line depreciation of an asset over a single period of time (Double).
Returns the specified number of spaces (Variant / String).
Inserts a specified number (n) of spaces when writing or displaying text.
Returns an array containing a specified number of substrings (Variant).
Returns the square root of a number (Double).
Suspends execution.
Returns the text string of a number (Variant / String).
Returns the result of a string comparison (Variant / Integer).
Returns the text string converted to a specific case or type (Variant / String).
Returns a repeating character of a given length (Variant / String).
Returns a LongPtr on a 64 bit version and a Long on a 32 bit version.
Returns the text string with the characters reversed (Variant / String).
Returns a value based on expressions (Variant).
Returns the sum-of-years' digits depreciation of an asset (Double).

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