Returns the text string with the characters reversed (Variant / String).

stringThe text string (String).

* If "string" = "" (zero length string), then a zero length string is returned.
* If "string" is vbNullString, then a zero length string is returned.
* You can use the STR function to return a text string of a number.
* You can use the STRING function to return a repeating character of a given length.
* You can use the STRREVERSE$ function to return a String data type instead of a Variant data type.
* The equivalent .NET function is [[Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.StrReverse]]
* For the Microsoft documentation refer to

Debug.Print StrReverse("abcdef")   '= "fedcba"  
Debug.Print StrReverse("ABABAB") '= "BABABA"
Debug.Print StrReverse("one two") '= "owt eno"
Debug.Print StrReverse("123456") '= "654321"
Debug.Print StrReverse(6) '= "6"
Debug.Print StrReverse(600) '= "006"

Dim sResult As String
sResult = StrReverse("BetterSolutions")
Debug.Print sResult '= snoituloSretteB"

sResult = StrReverse("")
Debug.Print "'" & sResult & "'" '= "''"

sResult = StrReverse(vbNullString)
Debug.Print "'" & sResult & "'" '= "''"

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