
Application.Help(HelpFile, HelpContextID)
HelpFile - The name of the online help file you want to display. If it is not specified then the Microsoft Help file is displayed
HelpContextID - Specifies the context id for the Help topic. If it is not specified then the Help Topics dialog box is displayed

The Online help for VBA is very extensive and lists all the properties and methods available for all the objects.

You can access the context sensitive help at any time by pressing F1. To access the Help topics dialog box press (Help > Microsoft Visual Basic Help). Choose the tab which is most appropriate (Contents, Answer Wizard or Index).

The most common help system used in Windows applications is the Windows Help System (WinHelp). This system displays HLP files and supports hypertext jumps that let the user display another related topic. Although the WinHelp is being phased out in favour of HTML Help.

Both help systems allow you to associate a context ID with a particular help topic. This makes it possible to display a particular help topic in a context-sensitive manner

To create a HLP file you need a word processing program that can read and write RTF (Rich Text Format) files. Most major processors have this compatibility including Word. You also need a copy of the Microsoft Help Workshop, which includes the Help compiler.

You can specify a help file from the Tools / Properties. In the project dialog click the general tab. It is good practice to keep your applications help file in the same directory as the application.

Whenever you setup your Office you have to specially tell the installer that you want to include VBA help. If not you will have to re-install from the cd making sure you click Custom and select the "Online help for Visual Basic" box.

Office 2000 uses the HTMLHelp system for its help file.
HTMLHelp Workshop can be downloaded from the Microsoft website.

Application.Help Helpfile, ContextID 

This Workbook.VbProject.Helpfile = "C:\Temp\"Help.chm" 

The following will only work if the Assistant has not been switched off
Office Assistant options "Show the Office Assistant".

Sub PlayBalloon 
With Application.Assistant.NewBalloon
   .BalloonType = msoBalloonTypeNumbers
   .Icon = msoIconAlert
   .Button = msoButtonSetOK
   .Heading = ""
   .Labels(1).Text = "Option 1"
   .Labels(2).Text = "Option 2"
   .Labels(3).Text = "Option 3"
End With
End Sub

You can access the context sensitive help at any time by pressing F1. To access the Help topics dialog box press (Help > Microsoft Visual Basic Help). Choose the tab which is most appropriate (Contents, Answer Wizard or Index).

The most common help system used in Windows applications is the Windows Help System (WinHelp). This system displays HLP files and supports hypertext jumps that let the user display another related topic. Although the WinHelp is being phased out in favour of HTML Help.

Both help systems allow you to associate a context ID with a particular help topic. This makes it possible to display a particular help topic in a context-sensitive manner

To create a HLP file you need a word processing program that can read and write RTF (Rich Text Format) files. Most major processors have this compatibility including Word. You also need a copy of the Microsoft Help Workshop, which includes the Help compiler.

You can specify a help file from the Tools / Properties. In the project dialog click the general tab. It is good practice to keep your applications help file in the same directory as the application.

Whenever you setup your Office you have to specially tell the installer that you want to include VBA help. If not you will have to re-install from the cd making sure you click Custom and select the "Online help for Visual Basic" box.

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