ByVal or ByRef - User Defined Types

When you declare a variable with a User Defined Type it can only be passed in using ByRef.
A user defined type is a value data type.
When you declare a variable with a User Defined data type it can only be passed in using ByRef.


Passing a User Defined Type into a subroutine using ByRef allows the original variable to be changed.

Type udtType 
   Field1 As String
End Type

Public Sub Passing_UserDefinedTypes1()
   Dim myUserDefinedType As udtType
   myUserDefinedType.Field1 = "before"
   Debug.Print myUserDefinedType.Field1 'before
   Call ByReference(myUserDefinedType)
   Debug.Print myUserDefinedType.Field1 'after
End Sub

Public Sub ByReference(ByRef theUserDefinedType As udtType)
'this changes the original
   theUserDefinedType.Field1 = theUserDefinedType.Field1 & "more"
'this changes the original
   theUserDefinedType.Field1 = "after"
End Sub


Passing a User Defined Type into a subroutine using ByVal is not possible
If you try and declare a user defined type parameter that is passed ByVal you will get a compile error.

Public Sub ByValue(ByVal theUserDefinedType As udtType) 
End Sub

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