
Rounding Up

Using Excel
Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(value,0) - no decimal places

Example using VBA Round

Rounding Down

Using Excel
Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(value,-1) - no decimal places

The CINT Function

The CINT function rounds up to the nearest integer if the fractional part is greater than 0.5 and rounds down if it is less than or equal to 0.5.

CInt(0.2) = 0 
CInt(0.5) = 0
CInt(0.6) = 1
CInt(0.9) = 1
CInt(1.1) = 1
CInt(1.5) = 1
CInt(-1.1) = -2
CInt(-1.9) = -2

The INT Function

The INT function truncates and therefore always rounds down to the nearest integer.

Int(0.2) = 0 
Int(0.5) = 0
Int(0.6) = 0
Int(0.9) = 0
Int(1.1) = 1
Int(1.5) = 1
Int(-1.1) = -2
Int(-1.9) = -2

The FIX Function

Integers - Rounding Down

The INT function rounds numbers down to the nearest integer.
This function truncates without rounding
INT(-8.4) = -9
INT(14.2) = 14

The FIX function returns the integer potion of a number.
This function runcates without rounding.

The ROUND function rounds numbers to a given number of decimal places.

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