
This is an abbreviation for Single Precision Floating Point.
This can support 7 significant figures with 6 decimal places.
This data type uses 4 bytes
The default value is 0.

Dim mySingle As Single 

Possible Values

The Single data type can contain any numbers in the following ranges:
Negative numbers: -3.402823 E+38 to -1.401298 E-45
Positive numbers: 1.401298 E-45 to 3.402823 E+38

Adding Two Numbers

Declare two variables with the value (8,388,608) and add them together.

Dim mySingle1 As Single 
Dim mySingle2 As Single
Dim myResult As Single

mySingle1 = 8388608
mySingle2 = 8388608
myResult = mySingle1 + mySingle2

Debug.Print myResult ' = 1.677722E+07

Rounding Errors

You should always use the Double data type instead because this data type introduces rounding errors.
Declare two variables with the value (1,234.5678) and add them together.
The answer is actually 2469.1356.

Dim mySingle1 As Single 
Dim mySingle2 As Single
Dim myResult As Single

mySingle1 = 1234.5678
mySingle2 = 1234.5678
myResult = mySingle1 + mySingle2

Debug.Print myResult ' = 2469.135

Conversion Function

The CSNG function returns an expression converted to a Single data type.

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