Shapes - LinkFormat Object

What is a LinkFormat Object ?

Represents the linking characteristics for an OLE object or picture.


AutoUpdateTrue if the links is updated automatically when the container file is opened.
LockedTrue is the link is locked to prevent automatic updating. This can only be used on Shapes that are Inline.
SavePictureWithDocumentTrue if the specified picture is saved with the document
SourceFullNameReturns or sets the path and name of the source file for the specified linked OLE object, picture, or field. Read/write String.
SourceNameReturns the name of the source file for the specified linked OLE object, picture, or field. Read-only String.
SourcePathReturns the path of the source file for the specified linked OLE object, picture, or field. Read-only String.


BreakLinkBreaks the link between the source file and the specified OLE object, picture, or linked field.
UpdateUpdates the link

SourceFullName Property

This example sets MyExcel.xls as the source file for shape one on the active document and specifies that the OLE object be updated automatically.
Using this property is equivalent to using in sequence the SourcePath, PathSeparator and SourceName properties.

With ActiveDocument.Shapes(1) 
    If .Type = msoLinkedOLEObject Then
        With .LinkFormat
            .SourceFullName = "c:\my documents\myExcel.xls"
            .AutoUpdate = True
        End With
    End If
End With

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