
Specifies the relative width of a shape using the value specified in the WidthRelative property for a Shape or ShapeRange object.

wdRelativeHorizontalSizeInnerMarginAreaWidth is relative to the size of the inside margin (or left margin for odd pages) or (right margin for even pages) (4)
wdRelativeHorizontalSizeLeftMarginAreaWidth is relative to the size of the left margin (2)
wdRelativeHorizontalSizeMarginWidth is relative to the space between the left margin and the right margin (0)
wdRelativeHorizontalSizeOuterMarginAreaWidth is relative to the size of the outside margin (or right margin for odd pages) or (left margin for even pages) (5)
wdRelativeHorizontalSizePageWidth is relative to the width of the page (1)
wdRelativeHorizontalSizeRightMarginAreaWidth is relative to the width of the right margin (3)

Width is relative to the size of the inside margin (or left margin for odd pages) or (right margin for even pages) (4)
Width is relative to the size of the left margin (2)
Width is relative to the space between the left margin and the right margin (0)
Width is relative to the size of the outside margin (or right margin for odd pages) or (left margin for even pages) (5)
Width is relative to the width of the page (1)
Width is relative to the width of the right margin (3)

* Added in 2007.

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