Complete List

wdAlertLevelSpecifies the way certain alerts and messages are handled while a macro is running.
wdAlignmentTabAlignmentSpecifies tab alignment.
wdAlignmentTabRelativeSpecifies whether alignment for a tab is relative to the margin or the paragraph indents.
wdAnimationSpecifies the type of animation to apply to a font.
wdApplyQuickStyleSetsSpecifies a quick style set to apply to the document.
wdArabicNumeralSpecifies the relative position of the specified shape.
wdAraSpellerSpecifies spelling rules for the Arabic spelling checker.
wdArrangeStyleSpecifies the window arrangement.
wdAutoFitBehaviorSpecifies how a table is resized after the autofit feature is used.
wdAutoMacrosSpecifies an automacro that is stored in a document.
wdAutoVersionsSpecifies the state of the option for automatically saving document versions.
wdBaselineAlignmentSpecifies the vertical position of fonts on a line.
wdBookmarkSortBySpecifies the sorting option for bookmark names displayed in the bookmark dialog box.
wdBorderDistanceFromSpecifies whether a page border is measured from the edge or from the text it surrounds.
wdBorderTypeSpecifies the type of border to be used.
wdBreakTypeSpecifies the type of break.
wdBrowserLevelSpecifies the version of web browser you want to target for new web pages.
wdBrowseTargetSpecifies the document item that the next or previous method locates.
wdBuildingBlockTypesSpecifies the type of building block.
wdBuiltinPropertySpecifies a built-in document property.
wdBuiltinStyleSpecifies a built-in document style.
wdCalendarTypeSpecifies a calendar type.
wdCalendarTypeBiSpecifies which calendar type to use when displaying the date or time.
wdCaptionLabelIDSpecifies the type for a caption label.
wdCaptionNumberStyleSpecifies the number style to be used with the captionlabel object.
wdCaptionPositionSpecifies the position of the caption label text.
wdCategoryLabelLevelSpecifies the category label levels passed to and returned by the Chart.CategoryLabelLevel property
wdCellColorSpecifies the color of highlighting for table cells that were added, deleted, or merged in the current document.
wdCellVerticalAlignmentSpecifies the vertical alignment of text in one or more cells of a table.
wdCharacterCaseSpecifies the case of the text in the specified range.
wdCharacterWidthSpecifies the character width of the specified range.
wdCheckInVersionTypeSpecifies the type of version for the document checked in when using the CheckIn method. Applies to documents stored in a SharePoint library.
wdChevronConvertRuleSpecifies the character width of the specified range.
wdCollapseDirectionSpecifies the direction in which to collapse a range or selection.
wdColorSpecifies a 24-bit color to apply.
wdColorIndexSpecifies the color to apply.
wdColumnWidthSpecifies the column width used in reading layout
wdCompareDestinationWhen comparing two files for differences, specifies whether to create a new file or mark the differences between the two documents in the original document or the revised document.
wdCompareTargetSpecifies the target document for displaying document comparison differences.
wdCompatibilitySpecifies a compatibility option.
wdCompatibilityModeSpecifies the compatibility mode that Word 2010 uses when opening a document.
wdConditionCodeSpecifies the area of a table to which to apply special style formatting.
wdConstantsThis enumeration groups together constants used with various Microsoft Word methods.
wdContentControlAppearanceSpecifies the visualization for a content control
wdContentControlDateStorageFormatIndicates how the date for a date content control is stored or retrieved when the date control is bound to an XML node in the document's data store.
wdContentControlLevelSpecifies the different levels that surround the content control
wdContentControlTypeIndicates the type of content control.
wdContinueSpecifies whether the formatting from the previous list can be continued.
wdCountrySpecifies the country/region setting of the current system.
wdCursorMovementSpecifies how the insertion point progresses with bidirectional text.
wdCursorTypeSpecifies the state (shape) of the cursor.
wdCustomLabelPageSizeSpecifies the page size for a custom mailing label.
wdDateLanguageSpecifies the language format to apply to the current date, time, or both.
wdDefaultFilePathSpecifies a default folder for files related to Microsoft Word.
wdDefaultListBehaviorSpecifies the default list behavior for a list.
wdDefaultTableBehaviorSpecifies whether the cells in a table are automatically resized to fit the columns
wdDeleteCellsSpecifies a range of cells to be deleted from a table in a delete cells action or the behavior of the remaining cells after the deletion has occurred.
wdDeletedTextMarkSpecifies the format of text that is deleted while change tracking is enabled.
wdDiacriticColorSpecifies whether to apply a different color to diacritics in bi-directional or Latin style languages.
wdDictionaryTypeSpecifies a proofing tool type.
wdDisableFeaturesIntroducedAfterSpecifies the version of Microsoft Word for which to disable all features introduced after that version.
wdDocPartInsertOptionsSpecifies how a building block is inserted into a document.
wdDocumentDirectionSpecifies the direction to flow the text in a document.
wdDocumentKindSpecifies the format type that Word uses when automatically formatting documents.
wdDocumentMediumSpecifies the type of document to which you are applying a theme.
wdDocumentTypeSpecifies the type of a document.
wdDocumentViewDirectionSpecifies the alignment and reading order for an entire document.
wdDropPositionSpecifies the position of a dropped capital letter.
wdEditionOptionDescription unknown.
wdEditionTypeDescription unknown.
wdEditorTypeSpecifies a user or group of users for a document.
wdEmailHTMLFidelitySpecifies whether to leave or remove HTML tags not required for display.
wdEmphasisMarkSpecifies the type of emphasis mark to use for a character or designated character string.
wdEnableCancelKeySpecifies whether Ctrl+Break can or cannot interrupt a macro.
wdEncloseStyleSpecifies the relative size of an enclosure.
wdEnclosureTypeSpecifies the type of symbol to use as an enclosure.
wdEndnoteLocationSpecifies the position of endnotes.
wdEnvelopeOrientationSpecifies the orientation of envelopes.
wdExportCreateBookmarksSpecifies what bookmarks to include when exporting a document.
wdExportFormatSpecifies format to use for exporting a document.
wdExportItemSpecifies whether to export the document with markup.
wdExportOptimizeForSpecifies the resolution and quality of the exported document.
wdExportRangeSpecifies how much of the document to export.
wdFarEastLineBreakLanguageIDSpecifies the East Asian language to use when breaking lines of text in the specified document or template.
wdFarEastLineBreakLevelSpecifies the line break control level for the specified document.
wdFieldKindSpecifies the type of field for a Field object.
wdFieldShadingSpecifies when to apply on-screen shading for form fields.
wdFieldTypeSpecifies a Microsoft Word field.
wdFindMatchDescription unknown.
wdFindWrapSpecifies wrap behavior if a selection or range is specified for a find operation and the search text isn't found in the selection or range.
wdFlowDirectionSpecifies the direction in which text flows from one text column to the next.
wdFontBiasSpecifies the font bias for symbols.
wdFootnoteLocationSpecifies the position of footnotes.
wdFramePositionSpecifies the reference point against which the frame position is calculated.
wdFramesetNewFrameLocationSpecifies the position of a new frame in relation to an existing frame.
wdFramesetSizeTypeSpecifies how to interpret the height or width of a specified frame on a frames page.
wdFramesetTypeSpecifies the type of frame.
wdFrameSizeRuleSpecifies how Word interprets the rule used to determine the height or width of a frame.
wdFrenchSpellerIndicates which version of French to use when using the French language spelling checker dictionaries.
wdGoToDirectionSpecifies the position to which a selection or the insertion point is moved in relation to an object or to itself.
wdGoToItemSpecifies the type of item to move the insertion point or selection just prior to.
wdGranularitySpecifies the granularity of changes to track when comparing two documents.
wdGutterStyleSpecifies where the gutter appears in the document.
wdGutterStyleOldSpecifies whether the gutter style should conform to left-to-right text flow or right-to-left text flow.
wdHeaderFooterIndexReturns the specified header or footer in a document or section.
wdHeadingSeparatorSpecifies the type of text separator to place between headings in an index.
wdHebSpellStartSpecifies which rules the Hebrew spelling checker will follow.
wdHelpTypeSpecifies the type of online Help topic or window to display.
wdHighAnsiTextSpecifies how Word interprets high-ANSI text.
wdHorizontalInVerticalTypeSpecifies the format of horizontal text set within vertical text.
wdHorizontalLineAlignmentSpecifies the alignment of a horizontal line.
wdHorizontalLineWidthTypeSpecifies how Word interprets the width (length) of the specified horizontal line.
wdIMEModeSpecifies the default start-up mode for the Japanese Input Method Editor (IME).
wdIndexFilterSpecifies how Microsoft Word classifies the first character of entries in the specified index.
wdIndexFormatSpecifies the formatting for indexes in a document.
wdIndexSortBySpecifies the criteria by which Word sorts the specified index.
wdIndexTypeSpecifies the type of index.
wdInformationSpecifies the type of information returned about a specified selection or range.
wdInlineShapeTypeSpecifies a shape type for inline shapes.
wdInsertCellsSpecifies where and what type of cells to add to an existing table.
wdInsertedTextMarkSpecifies the format of text that is inserted while change tracking is enabled.
wdInternationalIndexSpecifies information specific to the current country/region and international settings.
wdJustificationModeSpecifies the character spacing adjustment for a document
wdKanaSpecifies the format of the selected Japanese text.
wdKeySpecifies a keyboard character. Although uppercase and lowercase characters are designated by using different values in a character encoding map, they share a single constant in this enumeration.
wdKeyCategorySpecifies the type of item assigned to the key binding.
wdLanguageIDSpecifies the language to use.
wdLayoutModeSpecifies how text is laid out in the layout mode for the current document.
wdLetterheadLocationSpecifies a location to place letterhead in a letter created by the Letter Wizard.
wdLetterStyleSpecifies the layout of a letter created by the Letter Wizard.
wdLigaturesSpecifies the type of ligatures applied to a font.
wdLineEndingTypeSpecifies how Microsoft Word marks the line and paragraph breaks in documents saved as text files.
wdLineSpacingSpecifies a line spacing format to be applied to a paragraph.
wdLineStyleSpecifies the border style for an object.
wdLineTypeSpecifies whether a line is a line of text or a table row.
wdLineWidthSpecifies the width of an object's border.
wdLinkTypeSpecifies the type of link.
wdListApplyToSpecifies the portion of a list to which to apply a list template.
wdListGalleryTypeSpecifies the type of list from a list template gallery.
wdListLevelAlignmentSpecifies the alignment of a list level.
wdListNumberStyleSpecifies the numeric style to apply to a list.
wdListTypeSpecifies the type of list.
wdLockTypeSpecifies the type of lock for a CoAuthLock object.
wdMailerPriorityDescription unknown.
wdMailMergeActiveRecordSpecifies the active record in a mail merge result set.
wdMailMergeComparisonSpecifies the type of comparison to use when a condition is added to a mail merge process.
wdMailMergeDataSourceSpecifies the data source for a mail merge operation.
wdMailMergeDefaultRecordSpecifies the default record to use in a mail merge process.
wdMailMergeDestinationSpecifies the destination for the mail merge results.
wdMailMergeMailFormatSpecifies the format to use when the mail merge destination is an e-mail message.
wdMailMergeMainDocTypeSpecifies the type of mail merge document.
wdMailMergeStateSpecifies the state of a mail merge operation.
wdMailSystemSpecifies the type of mail system.
wdMappedDataFieldsSpecifies a type of mapped data field.
wdMeasurementUnitsSpecifies a unit of measure to use.
wdMergeFormatFromSpecifies the document from which to retain formatting during a document compare function.
wdMergeSubTypeSpecifies the data source to be attached to the document.
wdMergeTargetSpecifies the target for a Compare and Merge document process.
wdMonthNamesSpecifies the format in which to display month names.
wdMoveFromTextMarkMarks the moved-from text when text in a document with tracked changes is moved from one place to another.
wdMovementTypeSpecifies the way a Range or Selection is moved.
wdMoveToTextMarkMarks the moved-to text when text in a document with tracked changes is moved from one place to another.
wdMultipleWordConversionsModeSpecifies the direction for conversion between Hangul and Hanja.
wdNewDocumentTypeSpecifies the type of new document to create.
wdNoteNumberStyleSpecifies the number style to apply to endnotes, endnote options, footnotes, or footnote options.
wdNumberFormSpecifies the number form setting for an OpenType font.
wdNumberingRuleSpecifies the numbering rule to apply.
wdNumberSpacingSpecifies the number spacing setting for an OpenType font.
wdNumberStyleWordBasicBiDiDescription unknown.
wdNumberTypeSpecifies the type of number.
wdOLEPlacementSpecifies the placement for an OLE object.
wdOLETypeSpecifies the type of an OLE object.
wdOLEVerbSpecifies the action associated with the verb that the OLE object should perform.
wdOMathBreakBinSpecifies where Microsoft Office Word places binary operators when equations span two or more lines.
wdOMathBreakSubSpecifies how Microsoft Office Word handles a subtraction operator that falls before a line break.
wdOMathFracTypeSpecifies the type of fraction bar.
wdOMathFunctionTypeSpecifies the type of equation function.
wdOMathHorizAlignTypeSpecifies the horizontal alignment for an equation.
wdOMathJcSpecifies the default justification for equations.
wdOMathShapeTypeSpecifies the appearance of delimiters (parentheses, braces, brackets) in relationship to the content that they surround.
wdOMathSpacingRuleSpecifies spacing for an equation.
wdOMathTypeSpecifies the display format type of equation.
wdOMathVertAlignTypeSpecifies the vertical alignment of equations within the shape canvas or the line, for inline equations.
wdOpenFormatSpecifies the format to use when opening a document.
wdOrganizerObjectSpecifies the type of object used by a delete, copy, or rename action.
wdOrientationSpecifies a page layout orientation.
wdOriginalFormatSpecifies the Document Format.
wdOutlineLevelSpecifies the outline level to apply to a paragraph.
wdPageBorderArtSpecifies the graphical page border setting of a page.
wdPageColorSpecifies the background page colour used in reading mode
wdPageFitSpecifies the view setting for a page.
wdPageMovementTypeSpecifies the page movement type.
wdPageNumberAlignmentSpecifies the alignment to apply to page numbers.
wdPageNumberStyleSpecifies the style to apply to page numbers.
wdPaperSizeSpecifies a paper size.
wdPaperTraySpecifies a printer paper tray.
wdParagraphAlignmentSpecifies the alignment of a paragraph.
wdPartOfSpeechSpecifies the part of speech that a word represents when returned by the Word thesaurus service.
wdPasteDataTypeSpecifies the format for the Clipboard contents when they are inserted into a document.
wdPasteOptionsIndicates how to paste copied text.
wdPhoneticGuideAlignmentTypeSpecifies the alignment of phonetic text that is added to the specified range.
wdPictureLinkTypeSpecifies how a picture should be linked to a document.
wdPortugueseReformSpecifies the mode for the Brazilian or European Portuguese spellers.
wdPreferredWidthTypeSpecifies the preferred unit of measure to use when measuring the width of an item.
wdPrintOutItemSpecifies the item to print.
wdPrintOutPagesSpecifies the type of pages to print.
wdPrintOutRangeSpecifies a range to print.
wdProofreadingErrorTypeSpecifies the type of proofreading error returned by the Word proofreading process.
wdProtectedViewCloseReasonSpecifies how the Protected View window was closed.
wdProtectionTypeSpecifies the type of protection applied to a document.
wdReadingLayoutMarginSpecifies whether margins are visible or hidden when a document is viewed in Full Screen Reading view.
wdReadingOrderSpecifies the text flow and reading order of the document.
wdRecoveryTypeSpecifies the formatting to use when pasting the selected table cells.
wdRectangleTypeSpecifies the type of rectangle and the information it contains.
wdReferenceKindSpecifies the information to include in a cross-reference.
wdReferenceTypeSpecifies the type of item to be cross referenced.
wdRelativeHorizontalPositionSpecifies to what the horizontal position of a frame, a shape, or a group of rows is relative.
wdRelativeHorizontalSizeSpecifies the relative width of a shape using the value specified in the WidthRelative property for a Shape or ShapeRange object.
wdRelativeVerticalPositionSpecifies to what the vertical position of a frame, a shape, or a group of rows is relative.
wdRelativeVerticalSizeSpecifies the relative height of a shape using the value specified in the HeightRelative property for a Shape or ShapeRange object.
wdRelocateSpecifies where a paragraph should be relocated in relation to its current position.
wdRemoveDocInfoTypeSpecifies the type of information to remove from a document.
wdReplaceSpecifies the number of replacements to be made when find and replace is used.
wdRevisedLinesMarkSpecifies where revisions are displayed when change tracking is enabled.
wdRevisedPropertiesMarkSpecifies how revisions are displayed when change tracking is enabled.
wdRevisionsBalloonMarginSpecifies the margin where revision balloons should be displayed.
wdRevisionsBalloonPrintOrientationSpecifies the orientation of revision and comment balloons when they are printed.
wdRevisionsBalloonWidthTypeSpecifies how Microsoft Word measures the width of revision balloons.
wdRevisionsMarkupSpecifies the extent of markup that is visible in the document
wdRevisionsModeSpecifies whether Microsoft Word displays balloons in the margin or inline with the document's text.
wdRevisionsViewSpecifies whether Word displays the original version of a document or a version with revisions and formatting changes applied.
wdRevisionsWrapSpecifies how revision marks are displayed in the document.
wdRevisionTypeSpecifies the type of a change that is marked with a revision mark.
wdRoutingSlipDeliverySpecifies the routing method to use to deliver a document to recipients.
wdRoutingSlipStatusSpecifies the routing status as indicated by the routing slip attached to a document.
wdRowAlignmentSpecifies alignment for the content in selected rows.
wdRowHeightRuleSpecifies the rule for determining the height of the specified cells or rows.
wdRulerStyleSpecifies the way Word adjusts the table when the left indent is changed.
wdSalutationGenderSpecifies the gender to use in a salutation.
wdSalutationTypeSpecifies the type of salutation to use for a letter.
wdSaveFormatSpecifies the format to use when saving a document.
wdSaveOptionsSpecifies how the outstanding changes should be handled.
wdScollbarTypeSpecifies when scroll bars are available for the specified frame when viewing its frames page in a Web browser.
wdSectionDirectionSpecifies how Word displays the reading order and alignment for the specified sections.
wdSectionStartSpecifies the type of section break for the specified item.
wdSeekViewSpecifies the document element to display in the print layout view.
wdSelectionFlagsSpecifies the properties of the selection.
wdSelectionTypeSpecifies the different types of selections.
wdSeparatorTypeSpecifies the relative position of the specified shape.
wdSeriesNameLevelSpecifies the series level constants passed to and returned by the Chart.SeriesNameLevel property
wdShapePositionSpecifies the relative position of the specified shape.
wdShapePositionRelativeSpecifies whether the LeftRelative or TopRelative property for a Shape or ShapeRange object is valid.
wdShapeSizeRelativeSpecifies whether the WidthRelative or HeightRelative property for a Shape or ShapeRange object is valid.
wdShowFilterSpecifies the filter contents of the styles and formatting task pane.
wdShowSourceDocumentsSpecifies how to display source documents when two documents are compared using the Word Compare functions.
wdSmartTagControlTypeSpecifies the type of control associated with a SmartTagAction object.
wdSortFieldTypeSpecifies the sort type to apply when sorting a column.
wdSortOrderSpecifies the sort direction.
wdSortSeparatorSpecifies the type of field separator.
wdSpanishSpellerSpecifies the Spanish speller modes.
wdSpecialPaneSpecifies an item to display in the active window pane.
wdSpellingErrorTypeSpecifies a spelling error type.
wdSpellingWordTypeSpecifies the way Microsoft Word makes spelling suggestions.
wdStatisticSpecifies a statistic to return from a selection or item.
wdStoryTypeSpecifies the story type of an item.
wdStyleSheetLinkTypeSpecifies how to associate a style sheet with the document.
wdStyleSheetPrecedenceSpecifies the level of importance of a style sheet compared to other cascading style sheets attached to the Web document.
wdStyleSortIndicates how to sort styles in the Styles task pane.
wdStyleTypeSpecifies the style type to apply.
wdStylisticSetSpecifies the stylistic set to apply to the font.
wdSubscriberFormatsDescription unknown.
wdSummaryLengthSpecifies the maximum length of an automatically generated document summary.
wdSummaryModeSpecifies the way the summary is displayed.
wdTabAlignmentSpecifies the tab stop alignment to apply.
wdTabLeaderSpecifies the character to use as the leader with formatted tabs.
wdTableDirectionSpecifies the direction in which the cells are ordered within a table or row.
wdTableFieldSeparatorSpecifies the character to use to separate text into cells when converting text to a table.
wdTableFormatSpecifies the predefined format to apply to a table.
wdTableFormatApplySpecifies how table formatting should be applied.
wdTablePositionSpecifies the relative position of a table in the document.
wdTaskPanesSpecifies the type of task pane object.
wdTCSCConverterDirectionSpecifies how to convert between Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.
wdTemplateTypeSpecifies the type of template.
wdTextboxTightWrapSpecifies how Microsoft Office Word tightly wraps text around text boxes.
wdTextFormFieldTypeSpecifies the text form field type.
wdTextOrientationSpecifies the text direction in a range or selection.
wdTextureIndexSpecifies the shading texture to use for a selected item.
wdThemeColorIndexSpecifies the theme colors for document themes.
wdToaFormatSpecifies the type of formatting to apply to the table of authorities in the active document.
wdTocFormatSpecifies the type of formatting to apply to the table of contents in the active document.
wdTofFormatSpecifies the type of formatting to apply to the table of figures in the active document.
wdTrailingCharacterSpecifies the character inserted after the number for a numbered list item.
wdTwoLinesInOneTypeSpecifies the character to use to enclose two lines being written into one.
wdUnderlineSpecifies the type of underline to apply.
wdUnitsSpecifies the unit of measure to use.
wdUpdateStyleListBehaviorSpecifies the behavior Word 2010 should take when updating a style to match a selection that contains numbering or bullets.
wdUseFormattingFromSpecifies the source to copy formatting from.
wdVerticalAlignmentSpecifies the type of vertical alignment to apply.
wdViewTypeSpecifies the view type.
wdVisualSelectionSpecifies the selection behavior based on visual cursor movement in a right-to-left language document.
wdWindowStateSpecifies the state of the current document window or task window.
wdWindowTypeSpecifies the type of window.
wdWordDialogIndicates the Microsoft Office Word dialog boxes with which you can work and specifies arguments, if applicable, that you can use to get or set values in a dialog box.
wdWordDialogTabSpecifies the active tab when the specified dialog box is displayed.
wdWrapSideTypeSpecifies whether the document text should wrap on both sides of the specified shape, on either the left or right side only, or on the side of the shape that is farthest from the page margin.
wdWrapTypeSpecifies the wrap type for the specified shape.
wdWrapTypeMergedSpecifies how Microsoft Word wraps text around pictures.
wdXMLNodeLevelSpecifies the level of an XML node.
wdXMLNodeTypeSpecifies the type of node.
wdXMLSelectionChangeReasonSpecifies why XML selection was changed.
wdXMLValidationStatusSpecifies whether an element or attribute is valid according to the attached schema.
Specifies the way certain alerts and messages are handled while a macro is running.
Specifies tab alignment.
Specifies whether alignment for a tab is relative to the margin or the paragraph indents.
Specifies the type of animation to apply to a font.
Specifies a quick style set to apply to the document.
Specifies the relative position of the specified shape.
Specifies spelling rules for the Arabic spelling checker.
Specifies the window arrangement.
Specifies how a table is resized after the autofit feature is used.
Specifies an automacro that is stored in a document.
Specifies the state of the option for automatically saving document versions.
Specifies the vertical position of fonts on a line.
Specifies the sorting option for bookmark names displayed in the bookmark dialog box.
Specifies whether a page border is measured from the edge or from the text it surrounds.
Specifies the type of border to be used.
Specifies the type of break.
Specifies the version of web browser you want to target for new web pages.
Specifies the document item that the next or previous method locates.
Specifies the type of building block.
Specifies a built-in document property.
Specifies a built-in document style.
Specifies a calendar type.
Specifies which calendar type to use when displaying the date or time.
Specifies the type for a caption label.
Specifies the number style to be used with the captionlabel object.
Specifies the position of the caption label text.
Specifies the category label levels passed to and returned by the Chart.CategoryLabelLevel property
Specifies the color of highlighting for table cells that were added, deleted, or merged in the current document.
Specifies the vertical alignment of text in one or more cells of a table.
Specifies the case of the text in the specified range.
Specifies the character width of the specified range.
Specifies the type of version for the document checked in when using the CheckIn method. Applies to documents stored in a SharePoint library.
Specifies the character width of the specified range.
Specifies the direction in which to collapse a range or selection.
Specifies a 24-bit color to apply.
Specifies the color to apply.
Specifies the column width used in reading layout
When comparing two files for differences, specifies whether to create a new file or mark the differences between the two documents in the original document or the revised document.
Specifies the target document for displaying document comparison differences.
Specifies a compatibility option.
Specifies the compatibility mode that Word 2010 uses when opening a document.
Specifies the area of a table to which to apply special style formatting.
This enumeration groups together constants used with various Microsoft Word methods.
Specifies the visualization for a content control
Indicates how the date for a date content control is stored or retrieved when the date control is bound to an XML node in the document's data store.
Specifies the different levels that surround the content control
Indicates the type of content control.
Specifies whether the formatting from the previous list can be continued.
Specifies the country/region setting of the current system.
Specifies how the insertion point progresses with bidirectional text.
Specifies the state (shape) of the cursor.
Specifies the page size for a custom mailing label.
Specifies the language format to apply to the current date, time, or both.
Specifies a default folder for files related to Microsoft Word.
Specifies the default list behavior for a list.
Specifies whether the cells in a table are automatically resized to fit the columns
Specifies a range of cells to be deleted from a table in a delete cells action or the behavior of the remaining cells after the deletion has occurred.
Specifies the format of text that is deleted while change tracking is enabled.
Specifies whether to apply a different color to diacritics in bi-directional or Latin style languages.
Specifies a proofing tool type.
Specifies the version of Microsoft Word for which to disable all features introduced after that version.
Specifies how a building block is inserted into a document.
Specifies the direction to flow the text in a document.
Specifies the format type that Word uses when automatically formatting documents.
Specifies the type of document to which you are applying a theme.
Specifies the type of a document.
Specifies the alignment and reading order for an entire document.
Specifies the position of a dropped capital letter.
Description unknown.
Description unknown.
Specifies a user or group of users for a document.
Specifies whether to leave or remove HTML tags not required for display.
Specifies the type of emphasis mark to use for a character or designated character string.
Specifies whether Ctrl+Break can or cannot interrupt a macro.
Specifies the relative size of an enclosure.
Specifies the type of symbol to use as an enclosure.
Specifies the position of endnotes.
Specifies the orientation of envelopes.
Specifies what bookmarks to include when exporting a document.
Specifies format to use for exporting a document.
Specifies whether to export the document with markup.
Specifies the resolution and quality of the exported document.
Specifies how much of the document to export.
Specifies the East Asian language to use when breaking lines of text in the specified document or template.
Specifies the line break control level for the specified document.
Specifies the type of field for a Field object.
Specifies when to apply on-screen shading for form fields.
Specifies a Microsoft Word field.
Description unknown.
Specifies wrap behavior if a selection or range is specified for a find operation and the search text isn't found in the selection or range.
Specifies the direction in which text flows from one text column to the next.
Specifies the font bias for symbols.
Specifies the position of footnotes.
Specifies the reference point against which the frame position is calculated.
Specifies the position of a new frame in relation to an existing frame.
Specifies how to interpret the height or width of a specified frame on a frames page.
Specifies the type of frame.
Specifies how Word interprets the rule used to determine the height or width of a frame.
Indicates which version of French to use when using the French language spelling checker dictionaries.
Specifies the position to which a selection or the insertion point is moved in relation to an object or to itself.
Specifies the type of item to move the insertion point or selection just prior to.
Specifies the granularity of changes to track when comparing two documents.
Specifies where the gutter appears in the document.
Specifies whether the gutter style should conform to left-to-right text flow or right-to-left text flow.
Returns the specified header or footer in a document or section.
Specifies the type of text separator to place between headings in an index.
Specifies which rules the Hebrew spelling checker will follow.
Specifies the type of online Help topic or window to display.
Specifies how Word interprets high-ANSI text.
Specifies the format of horizontal text set within vertical text.
Specifies the alignment of a horizontal line.
Specifies how Word interprets the width (length) of the specified horizontal line.
Specifies the default start-up mode for the Japanese Input Method Editor (IME).
Specifies how Microsoft Word classifies the first character of entries in the specified index.
Specifies the formatting for indexes in a document.
Specifies the criteria by which Word sorts the specified index.
Specifies the type of index.
Specifies the type of information returned about a specified selection or range.
Specifies a shape type for inline shapes.
Specifies where and what type of cells to add to an existing table.
Specifies the format of text that is inserted while change tracking is enabled.
Specifies information specific to the current country/region and international settings.
Specifies the character spacing adjustment for a document
Specifies the format of the selected Japanese text.
Specifies a keyboard character. Although uppercase and lowercase characters are designated by using different values in a character encoding map, they share a single constant in this enumeration.
Specifies the type of item assigned to the key binding.
Specifies the language to use.
Specifies how text is laid out in the layout mode for the current document.
Specifies a location to place letterhead in a letter created by the Letter Wizard.
Specifies the layout of a letter created by the Letter Wizard.
Specifies the type of ligatures applied to a font.
Specifies how Microsoft Word marks the line and paragraph breaks in documents saved as text files.
Specifies a line spacing format to be applied to a paragraph.
Specifies the border style for an object.
Specifies whether a line is a line of text or a table row.
Specifies the width of an object's border.
Specifies the type of link.
Specifies the portion of a list to which to apply a list template.
Specifies the type of list from a list template gallery.
Specifies the alignment of a list level.
Specifies the numeric style to apply to a list.
Specifies the type of list.
Specifies the type of lock for a CoAuthLock object.
Description unknown.
Specifies the active record in a mail merge result set.
Specifies the type of comparison to use when a condition is added to a mail merge process.
Specifies the data source for a mail merge operation.
Specifies the default record to use in a mail merge process.
Specifies the destination for the mail merge results.
Specifies the format to use when the mail merge destination is an e-mail message.
Specifies the type of mail merge document.
Specifies the state of a mail merge operation.
Specifies the type of mail system.
Specifies a type of mapped data field.
Specifies a unit of measure to use.
Specifies the document from which to retain formatting during a document compare function.
Specifies the data source to be attached to the document.
Specifies the target for a Compare and Merge document process.
Specifies the format in which to display month names.
Marks the moved-from text when text in a document with tracked changes is moved from one place to another.
Specifies the way a Range or Selection is moved.
Marks the moved-to text when text in a document with tracked changes is moved from one place to another.
Specifies the direction for conversion between Hangul and Hanja.
Specifies the type of new document to create.
Specifies the number style to apply to endnotes, endnote options, footnotes, or footnote options.
Specifies the number form setting for an OpenType font.
Specifies the numbering rule to apply.
Specifies the number spacing setting for an OpenType font.
Description unknown.
Specifies the type of number.
Specifies the placement for an OLE object.
Specifies the type of an OLE object.
Specifies the action associated with the verb that the OLE object should perform.
Specifies where Microsoft Office Word places binary operators when equations span two or more lines.
Specifies how Microsoft Office Word handles a subtraction operator that falls before a line break.
Specifies the type of fraction bar.
Specifies the type of equation function.
Specifies the horizontal alignment for an equation.
Specifies the default justification for equations.
Specifies the appearance of delimiters (parentheses, braces, brackets) in relationship to the content that they surround.
Specifies spacing for an equation.
Specifies the display format type of equation.
Specifies the vertical alignment of equations within the shape canvas or the line, for inline equations.
Specifies the format to use when opening a document.
Specifies the type of object used by a delete, copy, or rename action.
Specifies a page layout orientation.
Specifies the Document Format.
Specifies the outline level to apply to a paragraph.
Specifies the graphical page border setting of a page.
Specifies the background page colour used in reading mode
Specifies the view setting for a page.
Specifies the page movement type.
Specifies the alignment to apply to page numbers.
Specifies the style to apply to page numbers.
Specifies a paper size.
Specifies a printer paper tray.
Specifies the alignment of a paragraph.
Specifies the part of speech that a word represents when returned by the Word thesaurus service.
Specifies the format for the Clipboard contents when they are inserted into a document.
Indicates how to paste copied text.
Specifies the alignment of phonetic text that is added to the specified range.
Specifies how a picture should be linked to a document.
Specifies the mode for the Brazilian or European Portuguese spellers.
Specifies the preferred unit of measure to use when measuring the width of an item.
Specifies the item to print.
Specifies the type of pages to print.
Specifies a range to print.
Specifies the type of proofreading error returned by the Word proofreading process.
Specifies how the Protected View window was closed.
Specifies the type of protection applied to a document.
Specifies whether margins are visible or hidden when a document is viewed in Full Screen Reading view.
Specifies the text flow and reading order of the document.
Specifies the formatting to use when pasting the selected table cells.
Specifies the type of rectangle and the information it contains.
Specifies the information to include in a cross-reference.
Specifies the type of item to be cross referenced.
Specifies to what the horizontal position of a frame, a shape, or a group of rows is relative.
Specifies the relative width of a shape using the value specified in the WidthRelative property for a Shape or ShapeRange object.
Specifies to what the vertical position of a frame, a shape, or a group of rows is relative.
Specifies the relative height of a shape using the value specified in the HeightRelative property for a Shape or ShapeRange object.
Specifies where a paragraph should be relocated in relation to its current position.
Specifies the type of information to remove from a document.
Specifies the number of replacements to be made when find and replace is used.
Specifies where revisions are displayed when change tracking is enabled.
Specifies how revisions are displayed when change tracking is enabled.
Specifies the margin where revision balloons should be displayed.
Specifies the orientation of revision and comment balloons when they are printed.
Specifies how Microsoft Word measures the width of revision balloons.
Specifies the extent of markup that is visible in the document
Specifies whether Microsoft Word displays balloons in the margin or inline with the document's text.
Specifies whether Word displays the original version of a document or a version with revisions and formatting changes applied.
Specifies how revision marks are displayed in the document.
Specifies the type of a change that is marked with a revision mark.
Specifies the routing method to use to deliver a document to recipients.
Specifies the routing status as indicated by the routing slip attached to a document.
Specifies alignment for the content in selected rows.
Specifies the rule for determining the height of the specified cells or rows.
Specifies the way Word adjusts the table when the left indent is changed.
Specifies the gender to use in a salutation.
Specifies the type of salutation to use for a letter.
Specifies the format to use when saving a document.
Specifies how the outstanding changes should be handled.
Specifies when scroll bars are available for the specified frame when viewing its frames page in a Web browser.
Specifies how Word displays the reading order and alignment for the specified sections.
Specifies the type of section break for the specified item.
Specifies the document element to display in the print layout view.
Specifies the properties of the selection.
Specifies the different types of selections.
Specifies the relative position of the specified shape.
Specifies the series level constants passed to and returned by the Chart.SeriesNameLevel property
Specifies the relative position of the specified shape.
Specifies whether the LeftRelative or TopRelative property for a Shape or ShapeRange object is valid.
Specifies whether the WidthRelative or HeightRelative property for a Shape or ShapeRange object is valid.
Specifies the filter contents of the styles and formatting task pane.
Specifies how to display source documents when two documents are compared using the Word Compare functions.
Specifies the type of control associated with a SmartTagAction object.
Specifies the sort type to apply when sorting a column.
Specifies the sort direction.
Specifies the type of field separator.
Specifies the Spanish speller modes.
Specifies an item to display in the active window pane.
Specifies a spelling error type.
Specifies the way Microsoft Word makes spelling suggestions.
Specifies a statistic to return from a selection or item.
Specifies the story type of an item.
Specifies how to associate a style sheet with the document.
Specifies the level of importance of a style sheet compared to other cascading style sheets attached to the Web document.
Indicates how to sort styles in the Styles task pane.
Specifies the style type to apply.
Specifies the stylistic set to apply to the font.
Description unknown.
Specifies the maximum length of an automatically generated document summary.
Specifies the way the summary is displayed.
Specifies the tab stop alignment to apply.
Specifies the character to use as the leader with formatted tabs.
Specifies the direction in which the cells are ordered within a table or row.
Specifies the character to use to separate text into cells when converting text to a table.
Specifies the predefined format to apply to a table.
Specifies how table formatting should be applied.
Specifies the relative position of a table in the document.
Specifies the type of task pane object.
Specifies how to convert between Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.
Specifies the type of template.
Specifies how Microsoft Office Word tightly wraps text around text boxes.
Specifies the text form field type.
Specifies the text direction in a range or selection.
Specifies the shading texture to use for a selected item.
Specifies the theme colors for document themes.
Specifies the type of formatting to apply to the table of authorities in the active document.
Specifies the type of formatting to apply to the table of contents in the active document.
Specifies the type of formatting to apply to the table of figures in the active document.
Specifies the character inserted after the number for a numbered list item.
Specifies the character to use to enclose two lines being written into one.
Specifies the type of underline to apply.
Specifies the unit of measure to use.
Specifies the behavior Word 2010 should take when updating a style to match a selection that contains numbering or bullets.
Specifies the source to copy formatting from.
Specifies the type of vertical alignment to apply.
Specifies the view type.
Specifies the selection behavior based on visual cursor movement in a right-to-left language document.
Specifies the state of the current document window or task window.
Specifies the type of window.
Indicates the Microsoft Office Word dialog boxes with which you can work and specifies arguments, if applicable, that you can use to get or set values in a dialog box.
Specifies the active tab when the specified dialog box is displayed.
Specifies whether the document text should wrap on both sides of the specified shape, on either the left or right side only, or on the side of the shape that is farthest from the page margin.
Specifies the wrap type for the specified shape.
Specifies how Microsoft Word wraps text around pictures.
Specifies the level of an XML node.
Specifies the type of node.
Specifies why XML selection was changed.
Specifies whether an element or attribute is valid according to the attached schema.

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