Version 6.0

Extract Changes has received a performance upgrade reducing the time taken by 10-40 % compared to earlier versions.
Errors that appeared in previous versions are now handled directly during the extract process and are not shown in the final message.
Errors that occur during the extract that are caused by unusual content in the source document are now shown in the final msg instead of interrupting the extract at the time when the error is found.
You can change the author name in all tracked changes and comments or only in those made by a specific author
Comments that are marked as resolved will now include "[RESOLVED]" below the [Comment #] in column 6 in the extract document.
The index number shown for each extracted comment has been changed to match the actual index number of the comment in the source document, also if you extract data from the selection only.
Example: If you extract content starting with comment no. 21 in the source document, the comment numbering in the extract document will start at 21.

Batch Extract Changes now collects all extract documents in one document in addition to the individual extract documents, has been added to the Batch Extract Changes dialog box.
If you turn on this option, an extra document will be created.
The extra document will include all the rows with tracked changes and comments from the individual extract documents, combined into one table and sorted by the Paragraph # in Source column.
When batch extracting, you can collect all extract documents in one document in addition to the individual extract documents

Settings now includes an option to let you remove the date or change the date in the date stamps in all tracked changes and comments.

Batch Compare Documents has been moved to a new menu that includes three new commands for comparing documents by pairs:
Create File List for Batch Compare Documents by Pairs creates a new Word document with a 3-column table, ready for you to fill in with the full file names of the documents that are to be compared by pairs (see below).
Create List of All Word Files in Selected Folder creates a new document with a list of all Word documents in the folder you select. You can, for example, use this command to retrieve the file names to use when preparing a file list for batch comparing documents by pairs.
Batch Compare Documents by Pairs Based on File List lets you - in one operation - compare pairs of Word documents and create an extract document for each pair. In order to use this command, you must first create a file list, specifying the file names of the documents to be compared.

Change Author & Date in Tracked Changes and Comments lets you change author names and remove or change dates in existing tracked changes and comments.
The original document remains unchanged.
The command creates a copy of the document and changes the author name(s) and/or dates in the copy.


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