DROP(array, rows [,columns])

Returns the array without certain rows or columns.

arrayThe array from which to drop rows or columns.
rowsThe number of rows to drop.
columns(Optional) The number of columns to exclude.

* This function was added in Microsoft 365.
* This function can create a Dynamic Array Formula.
* When rows or columns are not provided or missing, all rows and columns are returned.
* If the absolute value of rows or columns is greater than the number of rows or columns, then all rows or columns are returned.
* If "rows" > 0, then the rows are dropped from the top / start.
* If "rows" < 0, then the rows are dropped from the bottom / end.
* If "rows" = 0, then #VALUE! is returned.
* If "columns" > 0, then the columns are dropped from the left / start
* If "columns" < 0, then the columns are dropped from the right / end.
* If "columns" = 0, then #VALUE! is returned.
* You can use the CHOOSECOLS function to return the array with just a specific number of columns.
* You can use the CHOOSEROWS function to return the array with just a specific number of rows.
* You can use the EXPAND function to return the array expanded or padded to specific dimensions.
* You can use the TAKE function to return the subset of contiguous rows or columns from the start or end of an array.
* This function was first released in March 2022.
* For the Microsoft documentation refer to support.microsoft.com

1=DROP(C1:E3,1) = {4,5,6 ; 7,8,9} 123
2=DROP(C1:E3,-1) = {1,2,3 ; 4,5,6} 456
3=DROP(C1:E3,2) = {7,8,9} 789
4=DROP(C1:E3,-2) = {1,2,3}    
5=DROP(C1:E3,,1) = {2,3 ; 5,6 ; 8,9}    
6=DROP(C1:E3,,-1) = {1,2 ; 4,5 ; 7,8}    
7=DROP(C1:E3,,2) = {3 ; 6 ; 9}    
8=DROP(C1:E3,,-2) = {1 ; 4 ; 7}    

1 - What is the array "C1:E3" after removing 1 row from the top.
2 - What is the array "C1:E3" after removing 1 row from the bottom.
3 - What is the array "C1:E3" after removing 2 rows from the top.
4 - What is the array "C1:E3" after removing 2 rows from the bottom.
5 - What is the array "C1:E3" after removing 1 column from the left.
6 - What is the array "C1:E3" after removing 1 column from the right.
7 - What is the array "C1:E3" after removing 2 columns from the right.
8 - What is the array "C1:E3" after removing 2 columns from the left.

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