Deleting Unused Number Formats |
Deleting Unused Styles |
Deleting Visible Columns |
Deleting Visible Rows |
Deleting Worksheets |
Delimiting Text |
DELTA - Built-in Function |
Dependency Tree |
Dependent Arrows |
Dependent Cells |
Dependent Drop-Down Lists |
Dependent Links |
Dependent Workbooks |
Dependents - All |
Dependents - Direct |
Depreciated Functions |
Depreciation |
Depreciation Functions |
Depth Chart |
Descending Order |
Descriptive Statistics |
DeSelect Cells |
Design Mode |
Design Tab - Equation Tools |
Design Tab - Header & Footer Tools |
Design Tab - PivotChart Tools |
Design Tab - PivotTable Tools |
Design Tab - Slicer Tools |
Design Tab - SmartArt Tools |
Design Tab - Sparkline Tools |
Design Tab - Table Tools |
Detect and Repair |
Detect Errors in Formulas |
DETECTLANGUAGE - Built-in Function |
Developer Tab |
Deviation |
DEVSQ - Built-in Function |
D-Functions |
DGET - Built-in Function |
Diagnostic Settings |
Diagnostics Task Pane |
Diagonal Lines |
Diagram Layouts |
Diagrams |
Diagrams - Cycle |
Diagrams - Organization Chart |
Diagrams - Radial |
Diagrams - Stem and Leaf |
Diagrams - Target |
Diagrams - Venn |
Dialog Boxes |
Dialog Launcher |
Dictionary |
Dictionary Language |
Difference between Dates |
Different First Page |
Different Types of Errors - Formulas |
Digital Signatures |
Digitally Signed Workbook |
Direct Formatting |
Direct Formatting Changes |
Directories |
Disable Events |
DisableCopyUnusedCustomStyles - Registry Key |
Disabled Items |
DisableMergeInstance - Registry Key |
Disablying Commands |
DISC - Built-in Function |
Discard Editing Data |
Discount Rate |
Discounting Formulas |
Discrete Probability Distributions |
Display 0 as Blank |
Display 2 Workbooks at the same time |
Display 2 Worksheets at the same time |
Display Current Date |
Display Current Date and Time |
Display Current Time |
Display Dates as Quarter |
Display Formula |
Display Formula instead of Values |
Display Leading Zero |
Display Negative Values in Brackets |
Display Number in Thousands |
Display Options - Workbook |
Display Options - Worksheet |
Display Tabs |
Display Zero Values |
DisplayAlerts |
Displaying Cell Formulas |
Displaying Formulas |
Displaying Formulas in Cells |
Displaying the Watch Window |
Displaying Totals |
Displaying Worksheets |
Displaying Zero Values |
Distinct Values |
Distribute Horizontally |
Distribute Vertically |
Distributed Indent |
Distribution Functions |
Distributions |
Divide |
Divide Name |
Dividing Numbers |
Division by Zero |
DLX - Haver Add-in |
DMAX - Built-in Function |
DMIN - Built-in Function |
Do Not Compress Images |
Do Not Distribute |
Do While - VBA |
Document Cache |
Document Information Panel |
Document Inspector |
Document Inspector - Cached Data |
Document Location |
Document Management Server |
Document Management Task Pane |
Document Packages |
Document Panel |
Document Properties |
Document Properties - Custom |
Document Recovery |
Document Recovery Task Pane |
Document Updates Task Pane |
Document Variables |
Document Version |
Document Window |
Document Workspace |
Does Not Contain |
DoEvents - VBA |
DOLLAR - Built-in Function |
Dollar Text |
DOLLARDE - Built-in Function |
DOLLARFR - Built-in Function |
Dolphin Office Assistant |
Don't Allow Blanks |
Don't Allow Duplicates |
Don't Allow Empty Cells |
Don't Allow Formula Changes |
Don't Count Duplicates |
Don't Move or Size With Cells - Charts |
Don't Move or Size With Cells - Shapes |
Don't Show Formula In Edit Box |
Don't Show the Backstage |
Donut Charts |
Dot Plot Chart |
Dotted Lines - Page Breaks |
Double Byte Characters |
Double Click Event |
Double Minus Operator |
Double Negative (--) |
Double Quotation Marks |
Double Unary |
Double Unary - SUMPRODUCT |
Double Unary (--) |
Doughnut Charts |
Download *.xlam |
DPRODUCT - Built-in Function |
Draft Quality |
Drag and Drop Cells |
Drag and Paste |
Drag Conditional Formatting |
Drag Data Validation |
Drag Formulas |
Drag Numbering |
Dragging Cells |
Dragging Cells - Left Mouse Button |
Dragging Cells - Right Mouse Button |
Dragging Conditional Formatting |
Dragging Data Validation |
Dragging Formulas |
Draw Tab |
Drawing |
Drawing Objects |
Drawing Tools - Format |
Drill Indicators |
DROP - Built-in Function |
Drop Down Boxes |
Drop Down List |
Drop Down Menu |
Drop Lines - Charts |
Drop Shadow |
Drop-Down List |
Drop-Down List Box - Data Validation |
Drop-Down List Box - VBA Control |
Drop-Down List Box (Dependent) |
Drop-Down Menus |
DSTDEV - Built-in Function |
DSTDEVP - Built-in Function |
DSUM - Built-in Function |
Duplicate Cells - Deleting |
Duplicate Cells - Finding |
Duplicate Formula |
Duplicate Values |
Duplicate Values - Conditional Formatting |
Duplicate Values - Highlight |
Duplicate Values - Identify |
Duplicate Values - Remove |
DUPLICATECELLS - Custom Function |
Duplicates |
Duplicates - Conditional Formatting |
Duplicates - Highlight |
Duplicates - Identify |
Duplicates - Remove |
DUPLICATEVALUES - Custom Function |
Duplicating Data Across Worksheets |
DURATION - Built-in Function |
DVAR - Built-in Function |
DVARP - Built-in Function |
dxf File Extension |
Dynamic Array Formulas |
Dynamic Array Functions |
Dynamic Arrays |
Dynamic Calendar Grid |
Dynamic Cell References |
Dynamic Chart Source Data |
Dynamic Chart Titles |
Dynamic Charts |
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)* |
Dynamic Drop-Down Lists |
Dynamic Filter |
Dynamic Formulas |
Dynamic Headers |
Dynamic Lists |
Dynamic Lookups |
Dynamic Menu - Ribbon |
Dynamic Named Ranges |
Dynamic Numbering |
Dynamic Ranges |
Dynamic References |
Dynamic Row Numbering |
Dynamic Source Data |
Dynamic Tables |
Dynamic Titles |