
H1 - Line Series Options

H2 - Series Options

SS - Series Options
Plot series on primary axis -
Plot series on secondary axis -

H2 - Fill & Line

SS - Line
No line -
Solid line -
Gradient line -
Automatic -

SS - Marker Options
Automatic -
None -
Built-in -
Type -
Size -

SS - Marker Fill
No fill -
Solid fill -
Gradient fill -
Picture or texture fill -
Pattern fill -
Automatic -

SS - Marker Border
No line -
Solid line -
Gradient line -
Automatic -

H2 - Effects

SS - Effects
Refer to the Page - Chart Formatting > Effects

Trends over time. This is good for showing the rate of change over time.
You have a choice whether to display markers.
This displays continuous data over time against a common scale
Each x-value on a line chart is placed one after the other at equal spaces regardless of its actual value.
By default the data points are placed between the tick marks on the x-axis

Series Options

Plot series on primary axis -
Plot series on secondary axis -

Marker Options

Applies to Line, Scatter and Radar
Automatic -
None -
Built-in -
Type -
Size -


gap width -
drop lines -
high-low-lines -
up/down lines

3D Options

gap depth
chart depth
drop lines
vary colors by point

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