User FAQs
If you have a question, please send it to us.
1) What is the quickest way to create a chart ?
(F11) - highlighting the source data and pressing F11 will insert a chart sheet (not an embedded chart) defaulting to a column chart.
2) Can you give the name of any new built-in chart types that were introduced in Excel 2016 ?
Box Whisker, Histogram, Pareto, Sunburst, Treemap, Waterfall
3) Can you give the name of any new built-in chart types that were introduced in Excel 2019 ?
4) What are the different ways you can try and find charts on a worksheet
Paste Special > Objects
Find & Select - Selection Pane
Select Objects
5) Is it possible to set the whole chart range to be a named range ?
No. It will accept the named range, but it will be automatically converted to its hard coded values.
It is only possible to use a named range for an individual series.
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