Chart Types

Each chart type has different attributes which can be further customised for your data.
The type of chart you will use is normally determined by the type of the data although trial and error is often the best way to find the most suitable chart type.
It is best to choose a chart type that conveys the message in the simplest possible way.

AreaGood when you want to emphasis an amount of change over time. Each line represents a data series.
BarGood for displaying the same item at several different points in time.
Box Whisker(Added in 2016) This is considered a Statistical chart.
DoughnutThis appears in the Pie category.
Funnel(Added in 2019)
Histogram(Added in 2016) This is considered a Statistical chart.
Pareto(Added in 2016) This is considered a Statistical chart and appears under to Histogram.
Sunburst(Added in 2016) This is considered a Hierarchy chart.
Treemap(Added in 2016) This is considered a Hierarchy chart.
Waterfall(Added in 2016)
XY ScatterThis appears in the XY Scatter category.

Line and XY Scatter Charts

There is often some confusion with these two chart types.
Both these chart types can display their data in line or marker format.
An XY Scatter chart is often used when the x-values are numeric.
A line chart is often used when the x-values are text or dates.
Even when a line chart is used with numeric values the numbers are treated as text.

How to change the Chart Type ?

There are three ways you can change the chart type after the chart has been created.

The maximum number if series does ddepend on the chart type.
And some chart types also require a minimum number of series, for example high-low must have 3.

Make sure that your default chart is the one which you use most often.
The default chart is a 2D clustered column chart using the Office theme.
SS of default chart.

If you are creating a lot of charts, changing the default chart type can save you a lot of time.

You can change the default chart type to any of the chart types listed on the Insert Chart dialog box
It is even possible to use one of the charts from the Templates folder.
To quickly display the Insert Chart dialog box click on the Dialog Launcher button from the (Insert tab, Charts group).
Alternatively click on any chart type drop-down (Insert tab, Column) and choose All Chart Types.
Click the "set as default chart" option.

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