
H1 - Pie Series Options

H2 - Series Options

SS - Series Options
Plot series on primary axis -
Plot series on secondary axis -
Angle of first slice -
Pie/Point explosion -

H2 - Fill & Line

SS - Fill
No fill -
Solid fill -
Gradient fill -
Picture or texture fill -
Pattern fill -
Automatic -
Vary colors by slice -

SS - Border
No line -
Solid line -
Gradient line -
Automatic -

H2 - Effects

SS - Effects
Refer to the Page - Chart Formatting > Effects

Displays data as a percentage of the whole. This shows each value in a data series as a piece of a pie.
A pie chart can only display one data series at a time. Useful for displaying percentages.
Pie with user defined values extracted and combined into a second pie or stacked bar

Series Options

Plot series on primary axis -
Plot series on secondary axis -
Angle of first slice -
Pie explosion -

Fill & Line - Fill

Vary colors by slice -

Adding more series will have no visible effect on the pie chart because it can only display one series.
Beng able to copy and ranges onto charts - SS

Series Names in First Row -
Categories (X Labels) in First Column - Make sure this is ticked if the first column includes category labels
Replace existing categories - Make sure this is ticked if you want to replace the existing category labels


angle of first slice
vary colors by slice

3D Options

same as above

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