INTRATE(settlement, maturity, investment, redemption [,basis])

Returns the interest rate for a security held to maturity.

settlementThe settlement date of the security.
maturityThe maturity date of the security.
investmentThe amount invested in the security.
redemptionThe amount to be received at maturity.
basis(Optional) The type of day counting to use:
0 = 30/360 (default)
1 = Actual/Actual
2 = Actual/360
3 = Actual/365
4 = 30E/360

* The interest rate is often called the discount rate.
* When a security is held to maturity it is often referred to as being "fully invested".
* Dates must be entered as text strings within quotation marks or as serial numbers.
* The "settlement" date is the date a buyer purchases a coupon, such as a bond.
* The "maturity" date is the date when the security expires.
* If "settlement" is not an integer, it is truncated.
* If "settlement" = "maturity", then #NUM! is returned.
* If "settlement" is not a valid date, then #NUM! is returned.
* If "maturity" is not an integer, it is truncated.
* If "maturity" is not a valid date, then #NUM! is returned.
* If "investment" = 0, then #NUM! is returned.
* If "redemption" = 0, then #NUM! is returned.
* If "basis" is left blank, then 0 is used.
* If "basis" is not an integer, it is truncated.
* If "basis" < 0, then #NUM! is returned.
* If "basis" > 4, then #NUM! is returned.
* This function is closely linked to the DISC function.
* This function is closely linked to the RECEIVED function.
* For the Microsoft documentation refer to
* For the Google documentation refer to

1=INTRATE("31/3/2011", "30/9/2011", 10000, 10500, 0) = 10%
2=INTRATE("2/5/1999", "5/5/2003", 10000, 15500, 2) = 13.52%
3=INTRATE("2/5/1999", "5/5/2003", 20000, 25500, 2) = 6.76%
4=INTRATE("2/5/1999", "5/5/2003", -1000, 15500, 2) = #NUM!

1 - What would the interest rate be if you made an investment of $10,000 with a settlement date of 32 Mar 2011, a maturity date of 30 Sep 2011 and a redemption value of $10,500. Assuming a day count of 30/360.

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