Alphabetical - I

IFThe value based on whether a condition is True or False.
IFERRORThe value or something else if it evaluates to an error.
IFNAThe value or something else if it evaluates to #N/A.
IFS(2019) New. The value based on multiple True or False conditions.
IMABSThe absolute value of a complex number.
IMAGE(2022) New. The image from a web URL.
IMAGINARYThe imaginary coefficient of a complex number.
IMARGUMENTThe theta argument in radians.
IMCONJUGATEThe complex conjugate of a complex number.
IMCOSThe cosine of a complex number.
IMCOSHThe hyperbolic cosine of a complex number.
IMCOTThe cotangent of a complex number.
IMCSCThe cosecant of a complex number.
IMCSCHThe hyperbolic cosecant of a complex number.
IMDIVThe quotient of two complex numbers.
IMEXPThe exponential of a complex number.
IMLNThe natural logarithm of a complex number.
IMLOG10The base-10 logarithm of a complex number.
IMLOG2The base-2 logarithm of a complex number.
IMPOWERThe complex number raised to an integer number.
IMPRODUCTThe product of two or more complex numbers.
IMREALThe real coefficient of a complex number.
IMSECThe secant of a complex number.
IMSECHThe hyperbolic secant of a complex number.
IMSINThe sine of a complex number.
IMSINHThe hyperbolic sine of a complex number.
IMSQRTThe square root of a complex number.
IMSUBThe difference of two complex numbers.
IMSUMThe sum of two or more complex numbers.
IMTANThe tangent of a complex number.
INDEXThe value from a cell range which is the intersection of a row AND a column.
INDIRECTThe value of a given cell reference specified by a text string.
INFOThe text string returning useful information about the environment.
INTThe number rounded down to the nearest integer.
INTERCEPTThe intersection with the y-axis using a linear regression plotted through known values.
INTRATEThe interest rate for a security held to maturity.
IPMTThe interest amount paid on a given period on a loan with fixed interest.
IRRThe interest rate for a series of unequal cash flows at regular intervals (implicit reinvestment rate).
ISBLANKThe boolean True or False depending if the value is blank.
ISERRThe boolean True or False depending if the value is an error (excluding #N/A).
ISERRORThe boolean True or False depending if the value is an error.
ISEVENThe boolean True or False depending if the value is an even number.
ISFORMULAThe boolean True or False depending if the cell contains a formula.
ISLOGICALThe boolean True or False depending if the value is True or False.
ISNAThe boolean True or False depending if the value is #N/A.
ISNONTEXTThe boolean True or False depending if the value is non text.
ISNUMBERThe boolean True or False depending if the value is a number.
ISO.CEILING(CELING.MATH) The number rounded up to the nearest integer or significant figure (renamed).
ISODDThe boolean True or False depending if the value is an odd number.
ISOMITTED(2021) New. The boolean True or False depending whether the value in a LAMBDA is missing.
ISOWEEKNUMThe number of the ISO week of the year for a given date.
ISPMT(Compatibility) The interest paid for a given period in a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals (incorrectly).
ISREFThe boolean True or False depending if the value is a cell reference.
ISTEXTThe boolean True or False depending if the value is text.
The value based on whether a condition is True or False.
The value or something else if it evaluates to an error.
The value or something else if it evaluates to #N/A.
(2019) New. The value based on multiple True or False conditions.
The absolute value of a complex number.
(2022) New. The image from a web URL.
The imaginary coefficient of a complex number.
The theta argument in radians.
The complex conjugate of a complex number.
The cosine of a complex number.
The hyperbolic cosine of a complex number.
The cotangent of a complex number.
The cosecant of a complex number.
The hyperbolic cosecant of a complex number.
The quotient of two complex numbers.
The exponential of a complex number.
The natural logarithm of a complex number.
The base-10 logarithm of a complex number.
The base-2 logarithm of a complex number.
The complex number raised to an integer number.
The product of two or more complex numbers.
The real coefficient of a complex number.
The secant of a complex number.
The hyperbolic secant of a complex number.
The sine of a complex number.
The hyperbolic sine of a complex number.
The square root of a complex number.
The difference of two complex numbers.
The sum of two or more complex numbers.
The tangent of a complex number.
The value from a cell range which is the intersection of a row AND a column.
The value of a given cell reference specified by a text string.
The text string returning useful information about the environment.
The number rounded down to the nearest integer.
The intersection with the y-axis using a linear regression plotted through known values.
The interest rate for a security held to maturity.
The interest amount paid on a given period on a loan with fixed interest.
The interest rate for a series of unequal cash flows at regular intervals (implicit reinvestment rate).
The boolean True or False depending if the value is blank.
The boolean True or False depending if the value is an error (excluding #N/A).
The boolean True or False depending if the value is an error.
The boolean True or False depending if the value is an even number.
The boolean True or False depending if the cell contains a formula.
The boolean True or False depending if the value is True or False.
The boolean True or False depending if the value is #N/A.
The boolean True or False depending if the value is non text.
The boolean True or False depending if the value is a number.
(CELING.MATH) The number rounded up to the nearest integer or significant figure (renamed).
The boolean True or False depending if the value is an odd number.
(2021) New. The boolean True or False depending whether the value in a LAMBDA is missing.
The number of the ISO week of the year for a given date.
(Compatibility) The interest paid for a given period in a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals (incorrectly).
The boolean True or False depending if the value is a cell reference.
The boolean True or False depending if the value is text.

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