
Returns the boolean True or False depending if the cell contains a formula.

referenceA cell or range reference.

* If "reference" is not valid, then #VALUE is returned.
* You can quickly switch between displaying the values and the formulas using the shortcut key (Ctrl + ').
* You can use the ERROR.TYPE function to return the number corresponding to a particular error value in a cell.
* You can use the FORMULATEXT function to return the formula from a particular cell.
* You can use the ISREF function to return True or False depending if the value is a cell reference.
* This function was added in Excel 2013.
* For the Microsoft documentation refer to
* For the Google documentation refer to

1=ISFORMULA(B1) = -1=10+10 = 20
2=ISFORMULA(B2) = -1=NA() = #N/A
3=ISFORMULA(B3) = -1=100 = 100
4=ISFORMULA(B4) = 0some text

1 - Is the entry in cell "B1" a formula.
2 - Is the entry in cell "B2" a formula.
3 - Is the entry in cell "B3" a formula.
4 - Is the entry in cell "B3" a formula.

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