Alphabetical - B

BAHTTEXTThe number converted to a Thai text string and appends 'Baht'.
BASE(2013) The number converted into a text representation with the given base.
BESSELIThe Bessel function evaluated for purely imaginary arguments.
BESSELJThe modified Bessel function represented by J(x).
BESSELKThe modified Bessel function represented by K(x).
BESSELYThe modified Bessel function represented by Y(x).
BETA.DISTThe probability of getting a specific value between 0 and 1 for different distribution shapes.
BETA.INVThe inverse of the cumulative probability function for a beta distribution.
BETADIST(BETA.DIST) The cumulative probability function for a beta distribution (only cumulative).
BETAINV(BETA.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a beta distribution.
BIN2DECThe number converted from binary to decimal.
BIN2HEXThe number converted from binary to hexadecimal.
BIN2OCTThe number converted from binary to octal.
BINOM.DISTThe probability of getting a specific number of successes using a binomial distribution.
BINOM.DIST.RANGE(2013) The probability of a trial result using a binomial distribution.
BINOM.INVThe number of trials needed for a specific amount of success using a binomial distribution.
BINOMDIST(BINOM.DIST) The probability of getting a specific number of successes using a binomial distribution.
BITAND(2013) The bitwise AND of two numbers.
BITLSHIFT(2013) The number shifted left by a number of bits.
BITOR(2013) The bitwise OR of two numbers.
BITRSHIFT(2013) The number shifted right by a number of bits.
BITXOR(2013) The bitwise Exclusive OR of two numbers.
BYCOL(Microsoft 365) The results from applying a LAMBDA function to each column in an array.
BYROW(Microsoft 365) The results from applying a LAMBDA function to each row in an array.
The number converted to a Thai text string and appends 'Baht'.
(2013) The number converted into a text representation with the given base.
The Bessel function evaluated for purely imaginary arguments.
The modified Bessel function represented by J(x).
The modified Bessel function represented by K(x).
The modified Bessel function represented by Y(x).
The probability of getting a specific value between 0 and 1 for different distribution shapes.
The inverse of the cumulative probability function for a beta distribution.
(BETA.DIST) The cumulative probability function for a beta distribution (only cumulative).
(BETA.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a beta distribution.
The number converted from binary to decimal.
The number converted from binary to hexadecimal.
The number converted from binary to octal.
The probability of getting a specific number of successes using a binomial distribution.
(2013) The probability of a trial result using a binomial distribution.
The number of trials needed for a specific amount of success using a binomial distribution.
(BINOM.DIST) The probability of getting a specific number of successes using a binomial distribution.
(2013) The bitwise AND of two numbers.
(2013) The number shifted left by a number of bits.
(2013) The bitwise OR of two numbers.
(2013) The number shifted right by a number of bits.
(2013) The bitwise Exclusive OR of two numbers.
(Microsoft 365) The results from applying a LAMBDA function to each column in an array.
(Microsoft 365) The results from applying a LAMBDA function to each row in an array.

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