LibreOffice Calc

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New Functions - August 2024

These 9 functions were added in LibreOffice 24.8.

FILTERReturns the array of data in a range that satisfies multiple conditions.
LETReturns the result of a formula that can use variables.
RANDARRAYReturns the array of random numbers between 0 and 1.
SEQUENCEReturns the array of sequential numbers.
SORTReturns the array of data in a range that has been sorted.
SORTBYReturns the array of data in a range that has been sorted based on the values in a corresponding range.
UNIQUEReturns the array of unique values in a list, table or cell range.
XLOOKUPReturns the value in the same row after finding a matching value in any column.
XMATCHReturns the position of a value in a list, table or cell range.
Returns the array of data in a range that satisfies multiple conditions.
Returns the result of a formula that can use variables.
Returns the array of random numbers between 0 and 1.
Returns the array of sequential numbers.
Returns the array of data in a range that has been sorted.
Returns the array of data in a range that has been sorted based on the values in a corresponding range.
Returns the array of unique values in a list, table or cell range.
Returns the value in the same row after finding a matching value in any column.
Returns the position of a value in a list, table or cell range.

LibreOffice Only Functions

The following functions are only available in LibreOffice Calc.

COLORReturn a value calculated by combining R G and B and the alpha channel, in the RGBA color system.
CONVERT_ADDConverts a number from one measurement system to another.
CUMIPMT_ADDReturns the total interest paid on a loan in specified periodic payments.
CUMPRINC_ADDReturns the total capital repaid on a loan in specified periodic payments.
CURRENTReturns the current (to date) result of evaluating the formula.
DAYSINMONTHReturns the number of days in a month.
DAYSINYEARReturns the number of days in a year.
DDEReturns data from a DDE-based link.
DURATION_ADDReturns the Macaulay duration of a security.
EASTERSUNDAYReturns the date of Easter Sunday in a given year.
EFFECT_ADDReturns the effective compounded interest rate given a nominal interest rate.
EFFECTIVEReturns the net annual interest rate for a nominal interest rate.
ERRORTYPEReturns the number corresponding to an error value occurring in a different cell.
FORMULAReturns the formula used in a cell as a text string.
GCD_ADDReturns the greatest common divisor of two or more integers. (inc negative numbers)
ISEVEN_ADDReturns 1 if the value is an even number, or 0 if the value is odd.
ISLEAPYEARTests if a date is in a leap year.
ISODD_ADDReturns 1 if the value is an odd number, or 0 if the value is even.
LCM_ADDReturns the least common multiple of one or more integers.
MONTHSReturns the number of months between two dates.
NOMINAL_ADDReturns a nominal interest rate given the effective compounded interest rate.
RAND.NVGenerates a uniformly distributed random number in the range 0 (inclusive) to 1 (exclusive). (non volatile)
RANDBETWEEN.NVGenerates a random integer that lies in a specified range. (non volatile)
RAWSUBTRACTCan be used to compare whether a result exactly matches an expected number
ROT13Provides a very weak encryption that may be used to obfuscate the casual reader.
STYLEApplies a style (for example, a color) to a cell.
WEEKNUM_ADDReturns the non-ISO week number of a given date.
WEEKSReturns the number of weeks between two dates.
WEEKSINYEARReturns the number of weeks in a year.
YEARSReturns the number of years between two dates.
Return a value calculated by combining R G and B and the alpha channel, in the RGBA color system.
Converts a number from one measurement system to another.
Returns the total interest paid on a loan in specified periodic payments.
Returns the total capital repaid on a loan in specified periodic payments.
Returns the current (to date) result of evaluating the formula.
Returns the number of days in a month.
Returns the number of days in a year.
Returns data from a DDE-based link.
Returns the Macaulay duration of a security.
Returns the date of Easter Sunday in a given year.
Returns the effective compounded interest rate given a nominal interest rate.
Returns the net annual interest rate for a nominal interest rate.
Returns the number corresponding to an error value occurring in a different cell.
Returns the formula used in a cell as a text string.
Returns the greatest common divisor of two or more integers. (inc negative numbers)
Returns 1 if the value is an even number, or 0 if the value is odd.
Tests if a date is in a leap year.
Returns 1 if the value is an odd number, or 0 if the value is even.
Returns the least common multiple of one or more integers.
Returns the number of months between two dates.
Returns a nominal interest rate given the effective compounded interest rate.
Generates a uniformly distributed random number in the range 0 (inclusive) to 1 (exclusive). (non volatile)
Generates a random integer that lies in a specified range. (non volatile)
Can be used to compare whether a result exactly matches an expected number
Provides a very weak encryption that may be used to obfuscate the casual reader.
Applies a style (for example, a color) to a cell.
Returns the non-ISO week number of a given date.
Returns the number of weeks between two dates.
Returns the number of weeks in a year.
Returns the number of years between two dates.

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