Alphabetical N - Z
N | The value converted to a number. |
NA | The error value #N/A. |
NEGBINOM.DIST | The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a negative binomial distribution. |
NEGBINOMDIST | (NEGBINOM.DIST) The probability distribution function for a negative binomial distribution (no cumulative). |
NETWORKDAYS | (NETWORKDAYS.INTL) The total number of working days between two dates excluding weekends and holidays. |
NETWORKDAYS.INTL | The total number of working days between two dates excluding weekends and holidays. |
NOMINAL | The nominal interest rate over a period given an annual interest rate. |
NORM.DIST | The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a normal distribution. |
NORM.INV | The inverse of the probability distribution function for a normal distribution. |
NORM.S.DIST | The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a standard normal distribution. |
NORM.S.INV | The inverse of the probability distribution function for a standard normal distribution. |
NORMDIST | (NORM.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a normal distribution. |
NORMINV | (NORM.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a normal distribution. |
NORMSDIST | (NORM.S.DIST) The probability distribution function for a standard normal distribution (no cumulative). |
NORMSINV | (NORM.S.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a standard normal distribution. |
NOT | The opposite of a True or False value. |
NOW | The date serial number of the current system date and time. |
NPER | The number of periods for an investment. |
NPV | The net present value of a series of unequal cash flows at regular intervals. |
NUMBERVALUE | The number that a text string represents (current locale). |
OCT2BIN | The number converted from octal to binary. |
OCT2DEC | The number converted from octal to decimal. |
OCT2HEX | The number converted from octal to hexadecimal. |
ODD | The number rounded up to the nearest odd integer. |
ODDFPRICE | The price per $100 face value of a security with an odd first period. |
ODDFYIELD | The yield of a security with an odd first period. |
ODDLPRICE | The price per $100 face value of a security with an odd last period. |
ODDLYIELD | The yield of a security with an odd last period. |
OFFSET | The value in a cell which is an offset from another cell. |
OR | The boolean True or False depending on multiple conditions. |
PDURATION | The number of periods required by an investment to reach a specified value. |
PEARSON | The pearson product moment correlation coefficient. |
PERCENTILE | (PERCENTILE.INC) The value from a data set that corresponds to a particular percentage (inclusive). |
PERCENTILE.EXC | The value from a data set that corresponds to a particular percentage (exclusive). |
PERCENTILE.INC | The value from a data set that corresponds to a particular percentage (inclusive). |
PERCENTRANK | (PERCENTRANK.INC) The rank of a value as a percentage (inclusive). |
PERCENTRANK.EXC | The rank of a value as a percentage (exclusive). |
PERCENTRANK.INC | The rank of a value as a percentage (inclusive). |
PERMUT | The number of permutations for a subset of objects or events. |
PERMUTATIONA | The number of permutations for a subset of objects or events (with repetition). |
PHI | The value of the density function for a standard normal distribution. |
PHONETIC | The phonetic characters from a text string. |
PI | The number PI (3.141592). |
PIVOTBY | (365) Preview. The grouping of your data along two axis and aggregates the associated values. |
PMT | The full amount (principal + interest) paid every period on a loan with fixed interest. |
POISSON | (POISSON.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a poisson distribution. |
POISSON.DIST | The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a poisson distribution. |
POWER | The number raised to a given power. |
PPMT | The principal amount paid on a given period on a loan with fixed interest. |
PRICE | The price of a security that pays periodic interest. |
PRICEDISC | The price of a discounted security (no interest payments). |
PRICEMAT | The price of a security that pays interest at maturity. |
PROB | The probability that the values in a data set are greater than a lower limit and less than an upper limit. |
PRODUCT | The product of all the numerical values. |
PROPER | The text string with the first letter of every word as a capital letter. |
PV | The present value of a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals. |
PY | (365) New. The value or object after running code in a Python Editor using the Microsoft Cloud runtime. |
QUARTILE | (QUARTILE.INC) The quartile of a data set (inclusive). |
QUARTILE.EXC | The quartile of a data set (exclusive). |
QUARTILE.INC | The quartile of a data set (inclusive). |
QUOTIENT | The integer portion after division. |
RADIANS | The number of radians given the number of degrees. |
RAND | The random number between zero and one (>=0 and <1). |
RANDARRAY | (2021) The array of random numbers between two values (>=min and <max). |
RANDBETWEEN | The random integer between two values (>=bottom and <=top). |
RANK | (RANK.EQ) The rank of a value in descending order (equal ranking). |
RANK.AVG | The rank of a value in descending order (average ranking). |
RANK.EQ | The rank of a value in descending order (equal ranking). |
RATE | The interest rate for a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals. |
RECEIVED | The amount received at the end when a security is held to maturity. |
REDUCE | (2024) The total value after reducing an array by applying a LAMBDA function. |
REGEXEXTRACT | (365) Preview. The characters that match a regular expression. |
REGEXREPLACE | (365) Preview. The text string after replacing characters that match a regular expression. |
REGEXTEST | (365) Preview. The boolean True or False depending if the regular expression matches any part of a text string. |
REGISTER.ID | (Removed in 2003) The result after running an Excel 4.0 Macro function. |
REPLACE | The text string after replacing characters in a specific location. |
REPT | The text string repeated a number of times. |
RIGHT | The last or right most characters in a text string. |
ROMAN | The text string converting a binary number to a roman numeral. |
ROUND | The number rounded to a specified number of digits. |
ROUNDDOWN | The number rounded down to a specified number of digits. |
ROUNDUP | The number rounded up to a specified number of digits. |
ROW | The row number of a cell reference. |
ROWS | The number of rows in a cell range or reference. |
RRI | The equivalent interest rate for the growth of an investment. |
RSQ | The square of pearson product moment correlation coefficient through data points in known y's and known x's. |
RTD | The real time data from a program that supports COM. |
SCAN | (2024) The array after applying a LAMBDA function to each value and returns an array. |
SEARCH | The starting position of a substring within a larger text string (not case sensitive). |
SEC | The secant of a number. |
SECH | The hyperbolic secant of a number. |
SECOND | The number of seconds as an integer given a date serial number. |
SEQUENCE | (2021) The array of sequential numbers. |
SERIESSUM | The sum of a power series based on a formula. |
SHEET | The sheet number of the referenced sheet. |
SHEETS | The number of sheets in a reference. |
SIGN | The numerical value indicating if a number is positive or negative. |
SIN | The sine of a number. |
SINGLE | (2021, Removed in 365) The value from a cell range which is the intersection of a row OR a column. |
SINH | The hyperbolic sine of a number. |
SKEW | The number representing the skewness of a distribution based on a sample. |
SKEW.P | The number representing the skewness of a distribution based on an entire population. |
SLN | The depreciation of an asset in a single period (straight-line method). |
SLOPE | The slope of a linear regression line through the given data points. |
SMALL | The kth smallest numerical value. |
SORT | (2021) The array of data that has been sorted by one column. |
SORTBY | (2021) The array of data that has been sorted based on multiple columns. |
SQL.REQUEST | (Removed in 2003) The result after connecting to a data source and executes a SQL query. |
SQRT | The positive square root of a number. |
SQRTPI | The square root of a number multiplied by PI. |
STANDARDIZE | The normalized value from a distributed characterised by a mean and a standard deviation. |
STDEV | (STDEV.S) The standard deviation based on a sample. |
STDEV.P | The standard deviation based on an entire population. |
STDEV.S | The standard deviation based on a sample. |
STDEVA | The standard deviation based on a sample (including logical values and text). |
STDEVP | (STDEV.P) The standard deviation based on an entire population. |
STDEVPA | The standard deviation based on an entire population (including logical values and text). |
STEYX | The standard error of a regression. |
STOCKHISTORY | (2024) The historical data about a financial instrument. |
SUBSTITUTE | The text string after replacing instances of a substring. |
SUBTOTAL | (AGGREGATE) The choice of 11 different operations for numerical values (renamed). |
SUM | The total of the numerical values. |
SUMIF | (SUMIFS) The total of the numerical values that satisfies one condition. |
SUMIFS | The total of the numerical values that satisfies multiple conditions. |
SUMPRODUCT | The sum of the product of one or more arrays of values. |
SUMSQ | The variation of a data set from its mean. |
SUMX2MY2 | The sum of the difference of squares of corresponding values in two arrays. |
SUMX2PY2 | The sum of the sum of squares of corresponding values in two arrays. |
SUMXMY2 | The sum of squares of differences of corresponding values in two arrays. |
SWITCH | (2019) The value based on a list of exact matches. |
SYD | The depreciation of an asset in a single period (sum-of-years digits method). |
T | The text string of the value given. |
T.DIST | The probability distribution function for a t distribution (left tailed). |
T.DIST.2T | The probability distribution function for a two tailed distribution (no cumulative). |
T.DIST.RT | The probability distribution function for a t distribution (right tailed) (no cumulative). |
T.INV | The inverse of the probability distribution function for a t distribution (left tailed) |
T.INV.2T | The inverse of the probability distribution function for a two tailed distribution. |
T.TEST | The probability value from a t distribution. |
TABLE | (Data Tables) The data table value calculated inside an array formula. |
TAKE | (2024) The intersection of specific rows and columns in an array. |
TAN | The tangent of a number. |
TANH | The hyperbolic tangent of a number. |
TBILLEQ | The yield (bond-equivalent) for a treasury bill. |
TBILLPRICE | The price per $100 face value for a treasury bill. |
TBILLYIELD | The yield for a treasury bill. |
TDIST | (T.DIST.2T) The percentage points probability for the t distribution. |
TEXT | The number as a formatted text string. |
TEXTAFTER | (2024) The characters from the end of a text string after a delimiter. |
TEXTBEFORE | (2024) The characters from the start of a text string before a delimiter. |
TEXTJOIN | (2019) The text string that is a concatenation of several strings with a delimiter. |
TEXTSPLIT | (2024) The text string split into multiple columns using delimiters. |
TIME | The time as a decimal given an hour, minute, second. |
TIMEVALUE | The time as a decimal given a time in text format. |
TINV | (T.INV.2T) The t-value of the distribution as a function of the probability and the degrees of freedom. |
TOCOL | (2024) The array transformed into a single column. |
TODAY | The date serial number representing today's date. |
TOROW | (2024) The array transformed into a single row. |
TRANSLATE | (365) Preview. The text string translated into another language. |
TRANSPOSE | The array with its orientation changed. |
TREND | The y-values along a linear trend given a set of x-values. |
TRIM | The text string with all extra spaces removed from the beginning, middle and end. |
TRIMMEAN | The mean of the interior of a data set. |
TRIMRANGE | (365) Preview. The array after excluding all empty rows and/or columns from the outer edges of a range. |
TRUE | (Compatibility) The logical value True. |
TRUNC | The number with any decimal places removed. |
TTEST | (T.TEST) The probability value from a t distribution. |
TYPE | The number indicating the data type of the value. |
UNICHAR | The character with the corresponding UNICODE character. |
UNICODE | The unicode number for the first character in a text string. |
UNIQUE | (2021) The array of unique values in a list, table or cell range. |
UPPER | The text string with all the characters converted to uppercase. |
VALUE | (NUMBERVALUE) The number that a text string represents (renamed). |
VALUETOTEXT | (2024) The value converted to text. |
VAR | (VAR.S) The variance based on a sample. |
VAR.P | The variance based on an entire population. |
VAR.S | The variance based on a sample. |
VARA | The variance based on a sample (including logical values and text). |
VARP | (VAR.P) The variance based on an entire population. |
VARPA | The variance based on an entire population (including logical values and text). |
VDB | The depreciation of an asset in a single period (variable declining balance method). |
VLOOKUP | (XLOOKUP) The value in the same row after finding a matching value in the first column. |
VSTACK | (2024) The array after putting multiple arrays on top of each other. |
WEBSERVICE | The results from a webservice. |
WEEKDAY | The day of the week for a given date. |
WEEKNUM | The week number in the year for a given date (based on US convention). |
WEIBULL | (WEIBULL.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a weibull distribution. |
WEIBULL.DIST | The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a weibull distribution. |
WORKDAY | (WORKDAY.INTL) The date serial number that is a given number of working days before or after a date. |
WORKDAY.INTL | The date serial number that is a given number of working days before or after a date. |
WRAPCOLS | (2024) The array transformed into multiple columns. |
WRAPROWS | (2024) The array transformed into multiple rows. |
XIRR | The interest rate for a series of unequal cash flows at irregular intervals (implicit reinvestment rate). |
XLOOKUP | (2021) The value in the same row after finding a matching value in any column. |
XMATCH | (2021) The position of a value in a list, table or cell range. |
XNPV | The net present value of a series of unequal cash flows at irregular intervals. |
XOR | The boolean True or False depending on multiple conditions. |
YEAR | The year as an integer given a date serial number. |
YEARFRAC | The number of years as a decimal between two dates. |
YIELD | The interest rate (annual) for a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals. |
YIELDDISC | The interest rate (annual) for a discounted security (no interest payments). |
YIELDMAT | The interest rate (annual) for a security that pays interest at maturity. |
Z.TEST | The probability that the supplied hypothesized sample mean is greater than the mean of the supplied data values. |
ZTEST | (Z.TEST) The probability that the supplied hypothesized sample mean is greater than the mean of the supplied data values. |
N The value converted to a number. |
NA The error value #N/A. |
NEGBINOM.DIST The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a negative binomial distribution. |
NEGBINOMDIST (NEGBINOM.DIST) The probability distribution function for a negative binomial distribution (no cumulative). |
NETWORKDAYS (NETWORKDAYS.INTL) The total number of working days between two dates excluding weekends and holidays. |
NETWORKDAYS.INTL The total number of working days between two dates excluding weekends and holidays. |
NOMINAL The nominal interest rate over a period given an annual interest rate. |
NORM.DIST The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a normal distribution. |
NORM.INV The inverse of the probability distribution function for a normal distribution. |
NORM.S.DIST The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a standard normal distribution. |
NORM.S.INV The inverse of the probability distribution function for a standard normal distribution. |
NORMDIST (NORM.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a normal distribution. |
NORMINV (NORM.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a normal distribution. |
NORMSDIST (NORM.S.DIST) The probability distribution function for a standard normal distribution (no cumulative). |
NORMSINV (NORM.S.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a standard normal distribution. |
NOT The opposite of a True or False value. |
NOW The date serial number of the current system date and time. |
NPER The number of periods for an investment. |
NPV The net present value of a series of unequal cash flows at regular intervals. |
NUMBERVALUE The number that a text string represents (current locale). |
OCT2BIN The number converted from octal to binary. |
OCT2DEC The number converted from octal to decimal. |
OCT2HEX The number converted from octal to hexadecimal. |
ODD The number rounded up to the nearest odd integer. |
ODDFPRICE The price per $100 face value of a security with an odd first period. |
ODDFYIELD The yield of a security with an odd first period. |
ODDLPRICE The price per $100 face value of a security with an odd last period. |
ODDLYIELD The yield of a security with an odd last period. |
OFFSET The value in a cell which is an offset from another cell. |
OR The boolean True or False depending on multiple conditions. |
PDURATION The number of periods required by an investment to reach a specified value. |
PEARSON The pearson product moment correlation coefficient. |
PERCENTILE (PERCENTILE.INC) The value from a data set that corresponds to a particular percentage (inclusive). |
PERCENTILE.EXC The value from a data set that corresponds to a particular percentage (exclusive). |
PERCENTILE.INC The value from a data set that corresponds to a particular percentage (inclusive). |
PERCENTRANK (PERCENTRANK.INC) The rank of a value as a percentage (inclusive). |
PERCENTRANK.EXC The rank of a value as a percentage (exclusive). |
PERCENTRANK.INC The rank of a value as a percentage (inclusive). |
PERMUT The number of permutations for a subset of objects or events. |
PERMUTATIONA The number of permutations for a subset of objects or events (with repetition). |
PHI The value of the density function for a standard normal distribution. |
PHONETIC The phonetic characters from a text string. |
PI The number PI (3.141592). |
PIVOTBY (365) Preview. The grouping of your data along two axis and aggregates the associated values. |
PMT The full amount (principal + interest) paid every period on a loan with fixed interest. |
POISSON (POISSON.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a poisson distribution. |
POISSON.DIST The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a poisson distribution. |
POWER The number raised to a given power. |
PPMT The principal amount paid on a given period on a loan with fixed interest. |
PRICE The price of a security that pays periodic interest. |
PRICEDISC The price of a discounted security (no interest payments). |
PRICEMAT The price of a security that pays interest at maturity. |
PROB The probability that the values in a data set are greater than a lower limit and less than an upper limit. |
PRODUCT The product of all the numerical values. |
PROPER The text string with the first letter of every word as a capital letter. |
PV The present value of a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals. |
PY (365) New. The value or object after running code in a Python Editor using the Microsoft Cloud runtime. |
QUARTILE (QUARTILE.INC) The quartile of a data set (inclusive). |
QUARTILE.EXC The quartile of a data set (exclusive). |
QUARTILE.INC The quartile of a data set (inclusive). |
QUOTIENT The integer portion after division. |
RADIANS The number of radians given the number of degrees. |
RAND The random number between zero and one (>=0 and <1). |
RANDARRAY (2021) The array of random numbers between two values (>=min and <max). |
RANDBETWEEN The random integer between two values (>=bottom and <=top). |
RANK (RANK.EQ) The rank of a value in descending order (equal ranking). |
RANK.AVG The rank of a value in descending order (average ranking). |
RANK.EQ The rank of a value in descending order (equal ranking). |
RATE The interest rate for a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals. |
RECEIVED The amount received at the end when a security is held to maturity. |
REDUCE (2024) The total value after reducing an array by applying a LAMBDA function. |
REGEXEXTRACT (365) Preview. The characters that match a regular expression. |
REGEXREPLACE (365) Preview. The text string after replacing characters that match a regular expression. |
REGEXTEST (365) Preview. The boolean True or False depending if the regular expression matches any part of a text string. |
REGISTER.ID (Removed in 2003) The result after running an Excel 4.0 Macro function. |
REPLACE The text string after replacing characters in a specific location. |
REPT The text string repeated a number of times. |
RIGHT The last or right most characters in a text string. |
ROMAN The text string converting a binary number to a roman numeral. |
ROUND The number rounded to a specified number of digits. |
ROUNDDOWN The number rounded down to a specified number of digits. |
ROUNDUP The number rounded up to a specified number of digits. |
ROW The row number of a cell reference. |
ROWS The number of rows in a cell range or reference. |
RRI The equivalent interest rate for the growth of an investment. |
RSQ The square of pearson product moment correlation coefficient through data points in known y's and known x's. |
RTD The real time data from a program that supports COM. |
SCAN (2024) The array after applying a LAMBDA function to each value and returns an array. |
SEARCH The starting position of a substring within a larger text string (not case sensitive). |
SEC The secant of a number. |
SECH The hyperbolic secant of a number. |
SECOND The number of seconds as an integer given a date serial number. |
SEQUENCE (2021) The array of sequential numbers. |
SERIESSUM The sum of a power series based on a formula. |
SHEET The sheet number of the referenced sheet. |
SHEETS The number of sheets in a reference. |
SIGN The numerical value indicating if a number is positive or negative. |
SIN The sine of a number. |
SINGLE (2021, Removed in 365) The value from a cell range which is the intersection of a row OR a column. |
SINH The hyperbolic sine of a number. |
SKEW The number representing the skewness of a distribution based on a sample. |
SKEW.P The number representing the skewness of a distribution based on an entire population. |
SLN The depreciation of an asset in a single period (straight-line method). |
SLOPE The slope of a linear regression line through the given data points. |
SMALL The kth smallest numerical value. |
SORT (2021) The array of data that has been sorted by one column. |
SORTBY (2021) The array of data that has been sorted based on multiple columns. |
SQL.REQUEST (Removed in 2003) The result after connecting to a data source and executes a SQL query. |
SQRT The positive square root of a number. |
SQRTPI The square root of a number multiplied by PI. |
STANDARDIZE The normalized value from a distributed characterised by a mean and a standard deviation. |
STDEV (STDEV.S) The standard deviation based on a sample. |
STDEV.P The standard deviation based on an entire population. |
STDEV.S The standard deviation based on a sample. |
STDEVA The standard deviation based on a sample (including logical values and text). |
STDEVP (STDEV.P) The standard deviation based on an entire population. |
STDEVPA The standard deviation based on an entire population (including logical values and text). |
STEYX The standard error of a regression. |
STOCKHISTORY (2024) The historical data about a financial instrument. |
SUBSTITUTE The text string after replacing instances of a substring. |
SUBTOTAL (AGGREGATE) The choice of 11 different operations for numerical values (renamed). |
SUM The total of the numerical values. |
SUMIF (SUMIFS) The total of the numerical values that satisfies one condition. |
SUMIFS The total of the numerical values that satisfies multiple conditions. |
SUMPRODUCT The sum of the product of one or more arrays of values. |
SUMSQ The variation of a data set from its mean. |
SUMX2MY2 The sum of the difference of squares of corresponding values in two arrays. |
SUMX2PY2 The sum of the sum of squares of corresponding values in two arrays. |
SUMXMY2 The sum of squares of differences of corresponding values in two arrays. |
SWITCH (2019) The value based on a list of exact matches. |
SYD The depreciation of an asset in a single period (sum-of-years digits method). |
T The text string of the value given. |
T.DIST The probability distribution function for a t distribution (left tailed). |
T.DIST.2T The probability distribution function for a two tailed distribution (no cumulative). |
T.DIST.RT The probability distribution function for a t distribution (right tailed) (no cumulative). |
T.INV The inverse of the probability distribution function for a t distribution (left tailed) |
T.INV.2T The inverse of the probability distribution function for a two tailed distribution. |
T.TEST The probability value from a t distribution. |
TABLE (Data Tables) The data table value calculated inside an array formula. |
TAKE (2024) The intersection of specific rows and columns in an array. |
TAN The tangent of a number. |
TANH The hyperbolic tangent of a number. |
TBILLEQ The yield (bond-equivalent) for a treasury bill. |
TBILLPRICE The price per $100 face value for a treasury bill. |
TBILLYIELD The yield for a treasury bill. |
TDIST (T.DIST.2T) The percentage points probability for the t distribution. |
TEXT The number as a formatted text string. |
TEXTAFTER (2024) The characters from the end of a text string after a delimiter. |
TEXTBEFORE (2024) The characters from the start of a text string before a delimiter. |
TEXTJOIN (2019) The text string that is a concatenation of several strings with a delimiter. |
TEXTSPLIT (2024) The text string split into multiple columns using delimiters. |
TIME The time as a decimal given an hour, minute, second. |
TIMEVALUE The time as a decimal given a time in text format. |
TINV (T.INV.2T) The t-value of the distribution as a function of the probability and the degrees of freedom. |
TOCOL (2024) The array transformed into a single column. |
TODAY The date serial number representing today's date. |
TOROW (2024) The array transformed into a single row. |
TRANSLATE (365) Preview. The text string translated into another language. |
TRANSPOSE The array with its orientation changed. |
TREND The y-values along a linear trend given a set of x-values. |
TRIM The text string with all extra spaces removed from the beginning, middle and end. |
TRIMMEAN The mean of the interior of a data set. |
TRIMRANGE (365) Preview. The array after excluding all empty rows and/or columns from the outer edges of a range. |
TRUE (Compatibility) The logical value True. |
TRUNC The number with any decimal places removed. |
TTEST (T.TEST) The probability value from a t distribution. |
TYPE The number indicating the data type of the value. |
UNICHAR The character with the corresponding UNICODE character. |
UNICODE The unicode number for the first character in a text string. |
UNIQUE (2021) The array of unique values in a list, table or cell range. |
UPPER The text string with all the characters converted to uppercase. |
VALUE (NUMBERVALUE) The number that a text string represents (renamed). |
VALUETOTEXT (2024) The value converted to text. |
VAR (VAR.S) The variance based on a sample. |
VAR.P The variance based on an entire population. |
VAR.S The variance based on a sample. |
VARA The variance based on a sample (including logical values and text). |
VARP (VAR.P) The variance based on an entire population. |
VARPA The variance based on an entire population (including logical values and text). |
VDB The depreciation of an asset in a single period (variable declining balance method). |
VLOOKUP (XLOOKUP) The value in the same row after finding a matching value in the first column. |
VSTACK (2024) The array after putting multiple arrays on top of each other. |
WEBSERVICE The results from a webservice. |
WEEKDAY The day of the week for a given date. |
WEEKNUM The week number in the year for a given date (based on US convention). |
WEIBULL (WEIBULL.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a weibull distribution. |
WEIBULL.DIST The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a weibull distribution. |
WORKDAY (WORKDAY.INTL) The date serial number that is a given number of working days before or after a date. |
WORKDAY.INTL The date serial number that is a given number of working days before or after a date. |
WRAPCOLS (2024) The array transformed into multiple columns. |
WRAPROWS (2024) The array transformed into multiple rows. |
XIRR The interest rate for a series of unequal cash flows at irregular intervals (implicit reinvestment rate). |
XLOOKUP (2021) The value in the same row after finding a matching value in any column. |
XMATCH (2021) The position of a value in a list, table or cell range. |
XNPV The net present value of a series of unequal cash flows at irregular intervals. |
XOR The boolean True or False depending on multiple conditions. |
YEAR The year as an integer given a date serial number. |
YEARFRAC The number of years as a decimal between two dates. |
YIELD The interest rate (annual) for a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals. |
YIELDDISC The interest rate (annual) for a discounted security (no interest payments). |
YIELDMAT The interest rate (annual) for a security that pays interest at maturity. |
Z.TEST The probability that the supplied hypothesized sample mean is greater than the mean of the supplied data values. |
ZTEST (Z.TEST) The probability that the supplied hypothesized sample mean is greater than the mean of the supplied data values. |
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