Advanced Functions

AGGREGATEThe aggregate of values in a list, table or cell range.
AVERAGEIFSThe arithmetic mean of all the numbers in a range that satisfies multiple conditions.
CONVERTThe number in one measurement system converted to another.
COUNTThe number of non blank cells in a list, table or cell range.
COUNTIFSThe number of non blank cells that satisfies multiple conditions.
DATEThe date as a date serial number given a year, month, day.
DATEDIF(Compatibility) The number of days, months or years between two dates.
EMBEDDisplayed in the formula bar when an embedded object is selected.
FILTERThe array after filtering data in a range that satisfies multiple conditions.
HLOOKUPThe value in a row that matches a value in the top row of a table.
IFSThe value based on multiple True or False conditions.
GETPIVOTDATAThe data obtained from a pivot table.
INDEXThe value from a table based on an index number.
INDIRECTThe text string of the contents of a given cell reference.
LETThe result of a formula that can use variables.
LINESTThe array of values for a straight line that best fits your data.
LOOKUPThe value in a row (or column) that matches a value in a column (or row).
MATCHThe position of a value in a list, table or cell range.
OFFSETThe value in a cell which is an offset from another cell.
PERCENTILE.INCThe number corresponding to a particular percentage from an array of numbers (inclusive).
RANK.EQThe rank of a value in a list, table or cell range (in descending order).
SUBTOTALThe subtotal of values in a list, table or cell range.
SUMThe total value of the numbers in a list, table or cell range.
SUMIFSThe total value of the numbers that satisfies multiple conditions.
SUMPRODUCTThe sum of the product of one or more arrays of values.
VLOOKUPThe value in a column that matches a value in the first column of a table.
XLOOKUPThe value in the same row after finding a matching value in any column.
XMATCHThe position of a value in a list, table or cell range.
The aggregate of values in a list, table or cell range.
The arithmetic mean of all the numbers in a range that satisfies multiple conditions.
The number in one measurement system converted to another.
The number of non blank cells in a list, table or cell range.
The number of non blank cells that satisfies multiple conditions.
The date as a date serial number given a year, month, day.
(Compatibility) The number of days, months or years between two dates.
Displayed in the formula bar when an embedded object is selected.
The array after filtering data in a range that satisfies multiple conditions.
The value in a row that matches a value in the top row of a table.
The value based on multiple True or False conditions.
The data obtained from a pivot table.
The value from a table based on an index number.
The text string of the contents of a given cell reference.
The result of a formula that can use variables.
The array of values for a straight line that best fits your data.
The value in a row (or column) that matches a value in a column (or row).
The position of a value in a list, table or cell range.
The value in a cell which is an offset from another cell.
The number corresponding to a particular percentage from an array of numbers (inclusive).
The rank of a value in a list, table or cell range (in descending order).
The subtotal of values in a list, table or cell range.
The total value of the numbers in a list, table or cell range.
The total value of the numbers that satisfies multiple conditions.
The sum of the product of one or more arrays of values.
The value in a column that matches a value in the first column of a table.
The value in the same row after finding a matching value in any column.
The position of a value in a list, table or cell range.

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