Case Sensitive Functions

The following is a list of functions that are case sensitive.
It also includes a list of functions that can be both (because they include an optional parameter)
And a list of functions that are not case sensitive.

Are Case Sensitive

EXACTThe value True or False based on whether two strings match exactly.
FINDThe position of a substring within a larger text string.
SUBSTITUTEThe text string after replacing instances of a substring.
The value True or False based on whether two strings match exactly.
The position of a substring within a larger text string.
The text string after replacing instances of a substring.

Have A Case Sensitive Option

TEXTAFTERThe characters from the end of a text string after a delimiter.
TEXTBEFOREThe characters from the start of a text string before a delimiter.
The characters from the end of a text string after a delimiter.
The characters from the start of a text string before a delimiter.

Not Case Sensitive

ANDThe logical AND for any number of arguments.
AVERAGEIFThe arithmetic mean of all the numbers in a range that satisfies one condition.
AVERAGEIFSThe arithmetic mean of all the numbers in a range that satisfies multiple conditions.
COUNTIFThe number of non blank cells that satisfies one condition.
COUNTIFSThe number of non blank cells that satisfies multiple conditions.
FILTERThe array after filtering data in a range that satisfies multiple conditions.
HLOOKUPThe value in the same column after finding a matching value in the first row.
IFThe value based on a logical test that is True or False.
IFSThe value based on multiple True or False conditions.
LOOKUPThe value in a row (or column) that matches a value in a column (or row).
MATCHThe position of a value in a list, table or cell range.
MAXIFSThe largest value in a list or array of numbers that satisfies multiple conditions.
MINIFSThe smallest value in a list or array of numbers that satisfies multiple conditions.
NOTThe opposite of a True or False value.
ORThe logical OR for any number of arguments.
REPLACEThe text string after replacing characters in a specific location.
SEARCHThe position of a substring within a larger text string.
SUMIFThe total value of the numbers that satisfies one condition.
SUMIFSThe total value of the numbers that satisfies multiple conditions.
SWITCHThe value based on the first matching item.
VLOOKUPThe value in the same row after finding a matching value in the first column.
XLOOKUPThe value in the same row after finding a matching value in any column.
XMATCHThe position of a value in a list, table or cell range.
XORThe logical exclusive OR for any number of arguments.
The logical AND for any number of arguments.
The arithmetic mean of all the numbers in a range that satisfies one condition.
The arithmetic mean of all the numbers in a range that satisfies multiple conditions.
The number of non blank cells that satisfies one condition.
The number of non blank cells that satisfies multiple conditions.
The array after filtering data in a range that satisfies multiple conditions.
The value in the same column after finding a matching value in the first row.
The value based on a logical test that is True or False.
The value based on multiple True or False conditions.
The value in a row (or column) that matches a value in a column (or row).
The position of a value in a list, table or cell range.
The largest value in a list or array of numbers that satisfies multiple conditions.
The smallest value in a list or array of numbers that satisfies multiple conditions.
The opposite of a True or False value.
The logical OR for any number of arguments.
The text string after replacing characters in a specific location.
The position of a substring within a larger text string.
The total value of the numbers that satisfies one condition.
The total value of the numbers that satisfies multiple conditions.
The value based on the first matching item.
The value in the same row after finding a matching value in the first column.
The value in the same row after finding a matching value in any column.
The position of a value in a list, table or cell range.
The logical exclusive OR for any number of arguments.

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