Summing Functions

Worksheet Functions

SUMReturns the total of the values in a list, table or cell range.
SUMIFReturns the total of the values that satisfies one condition.
SUMIFSReturns the total of the values that satisfies multiple conditions.
SUMPRODUCTReturns the sum of the product of one or more arrays of values.
DSUMReturns the total of the values in a column that satisfies multiple conditions.
AGGREGATEReturns the aggregate of values in a list, table or cell range.
Returns the total of the values in a list, table or cell range.
Returns the total of the values that satisfies one condition.
Returns the total of the values that satisfies multiple conditions.
Returns the sum of the product of one or more arrays of values.
Returns the total of the values in a column that satisfies multiple conditions.
Returns the aggregate of values in a list, table or cell range.

Conditional Summing

SUMIFUsing the SUMIF function with multiple conditions.
SUMIFSUsing the SUMIFS function with multiple conditions.
SUMPRODUCTUsing the SUMPRODUCT function with multiple conditions.
{SUM}Using the SUM function with array formulas.
Using the SUMIF function with multiple conditions.
Using the SUMIFS function with multiple conditions.
Using the SUMPRODUCT function with multiple conditions.
Using the SUM function with array formulas.

User Defined Functions

SUMDIGITSReturns the sum of the digits in a cell.
SUMFORMAT_CELLCOLORReturns the sum of all the values that have been formatted with a particular colour.
SUMFORMAT_FONTBOLDReturns the sum of all the values that have been formatted in bold.
SUMFORMAT_FONTCOLORReturns the sum of all the values that have been formatted with a particular font.
SUMVISIBLEReturns the total value of the numbers in cells that are visible.
SUMVISIBLEIFSReturns the total value of the numbers that satisfies multiple conditions in cells that are visible.
Returns the sum of the digits in a cell.
Returns the sum of all the values that have been formatted with a particular colour.
Returns the sum of all the values that have been formatted in bold.
Returns the sum of all the values that have been formatted with a particular font.
Returns the total value of the numbers in cells that are visible.
Returns the total value of the numbers that satisfies multiple conditions in cells that are visible.

More Summing Formulas

Summing Formulas contains a list of all summing related formulas.

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