Returns the total value of the numbers in cells that are visible


* This function excludes hidden cells.
* You can use the SUM function to include hidden cells.
* For instructions on how to add a function to a workbook refer to the page under Inserting Functions
* The equivalent JavaScript function is SUMVISIBLE
* also ' =AGGREGATE(9,5,B3:B12)

Public Function SUMVISIBLE(ByVal rgeValues As Range) As Double 

Dim dbtotalvalue As Double
Dim rgeCell As Range

   dbtotalvalue = 0

   For Each rgeCell In rgeValues
      If (rgeCell.EntireRow.Hidden = False) And _
         (rgeCell.EntireColumn.Hidden = False) Then
         dbtotalvalue = dbtotalvalue + rgeCell.Value
      End If
   Next rgeCell
   SUMVISIBLE = dbtotalvalue
End Function

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