Category - Date & Time
List of user defined functions
AGE | Returns the age of a person given a birthday. |
BUSDAYDIFF | Returns the number of business days between two dates. |
BUSDAYMONTHEND | Returns the last business day in a particular month and year. |
BUSDAYMONTHSTART | Returns the first business day in a particular month and year. |
BUSDAYNEXT | Returns the next business day if the given date is not a business day. |
BUSDAYNTH | Returns the nth business day in a particular month and year. |
BUSDAYPREVIOUS | Returns the previous business day if the given date is not a business day. |
BUSDAYSADD | Returns the date after adding or removing a number of business days to or from a date. |
BUSDAYYEAREND | Returns the last business day in a particular year. |
BUSDAYYEARSTART | Returns the first business day in a particular year. |
CONVERTTIME | Returns the time converted to a decimal, given hours, minutes or seconds. |
DATEADDTENOR | Returns the date after adding or removing a tenor. |
DATEADDYMD | Returns the date after adding or removing a given number of years, months and days. |
DATECOUNTFRACTION | Returns the date count fraction between two dates. |
DATEDIFFERENCE | (Replaces DATEDIF) Returns the number of days, months or years between two dates. |
DATEFIRST | Returns the first date of the day of a week, month or year. |
DATEFREQUENCYTOTENOR | Returns the tenor based on the frequency. |
DATEHOLIDAYSGET | Returns the list of holidays between two dates. |
DATELAST | Returns the date of the last day of a week, month or year. |
DATENEXTIMM | Returns the International Money Market date based on a range. |
DATESBEFORE1900 | Returns the results of adding and subtracting dates before 1900 which are represented as text. |
DATESERIAL | Returns the date serial number given a date in text format. |
DATEWHICHDAY | Returns the date given a month, a week number and a day of the week. |
DAYSACCRUAL | Returns the number of accrual days between two dates with a given basis. |
DAYSINAMONTH | Returns the number of days in a particular month and year. |
DAYSINAYEAR | Returns the number of days in a particular year. |
DAYSTO | Returns the number of days (or other units) to a specific event. |
DAYSTOCHRISTMAS | Returns the number of days to the next Christmas. |
ISDATEVALID | Returns whether a particular value is a valid date. |
ISDATEBUSDAY | Returns whether a particular value is a valid business day. |
ISDATEFIRST | Returns whether a date is the first of a week, month or year. |
ISDATELAST | Returns whether a date is the last of a week, month or year. |
NETWORKDAYSMISC | Returns the number of days between two dates using a defined list of workdays. |
TIMENOW | Returns the current time as a string (in the format "hh:mm:ss"). |
WEEKNUMBER | Returns the week number of a particular date. |
WORKDAY6 | Returns the serial number before or after a given number of days from a start date assuming a 6-day working week. |
WORKDAYSMISC | Returns the serial number before or after a given number of days from a start date using a defined list of workdays. |
AGE Returns the age of a person given a birthday. |
BUSDAYDIFF Returns the number of business days between two dates. |
BUSDAYMONTHEND Returns the last business day in a particular month and year. |
BUSDAYMONTHSTART Returns the first business day in a particular month and year. |
BUSDAYNEXT Returns the next business day if the given date is not a business day. |
BUSDAYNTH Returns the nth business day in a particular month and year. |
BUSDAYPREVIOUS Returns the previous business day if the given date is not a business day. |
BUSDAYSADD Returns the date after adding or removing a number of business days to or from a date. |
BUSDAYYEAREND Returns the last business day in a particular year. |
BUSDAYYEARSTART Returns the first business day in a particular year. |
CONVERTTIME Returns the time converted to a decimal, given hours, minutes or seconds. |
DATEADDTENOR Returns the date after adding or removing a tenor. |
DATEADDYMD Returns the date after adding or removing a given number of years, months and days. |
DATECOUNTFRACTION Returns the date count fraction between two dates. |
DATEDIFFERENCE (Replaces DATEDIF) Returns the number of days, months or years between two dates. |
DATEFIRST Returns the first date of the day of a week, month or year. |
DATEFREQUENCYTOTENOR Returns the tenor based on the frequency. |
DATEHOLIDAYSGET Returns the list of holidays between two dates. |
DATELAST Returns the date of the last day of a week, month or year. |
DATENEXTIMM Returns the International Money Market date based on a range. |
DATESBEFORE1900 Returns the results of adding and subtracting dates before 1900 which are represented as text. |
DATESERIAL Returns the date serial number given a date in text format. |
DATEWHICHDAY Returns the date given a month, a week number and a day of the week. |
DAYSACCRUAL Returns the number of accrual days between two dates with a given basis. |
DAYSINAMONTH Returns the number of days in a particular month and year. |
DAYSINAYEAR Returns the number of days in a particular year. |
DAYSTO Returns the number of days (or other units) to a specific event. |
DAYSTOCHRISTMAS Returns the number of days to the next Christmas. |
ISDATEVALID Returns whether a particular value is a valid date. |
ISDATEBUSDAY Returns whether a particular value is a valid business day. |
ISDATEFIRST Returns whether a date is the first of a week, month or year. |
ISDATELAST Returns whether a date is the last of a week, month or year. |
NETWORKDAYSMISC Returns the number of days between two dates using a defined list of workdays. |
TIMENOW Returns the current time as a string (in the format "hh:mm:ss"). |
WEEKNUMBER Returns the week number of a particular date. |
WORKDAY6 Returns the serial number before or after a given number of days from a start date assuming a 6-day working week. |
WORKDAYSMISC Returns the serial number before or after a given number of days from a start date using a defined list of workdays. |
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