Category - Date & Time

List of user defined functions

AGEReturns the age of a person given a birthday.
BUSDAYDIFFReturns the number of business days between two dates.
BUSDAYMONTHENDReturns the last business day in a particular month and year.
BUSDAYMONTHSTARTReturns the first business day in a particular month and year.
BUSDAYNEXTReturns the next business day if the given date is not a business day.
BUSDAYNTHReturns the nth business day in a particular month and year.
BUSDAYPREVIOUSReturns the previous business day if the given date is not a business day.
BUSDAYSADDReturns the date after adding or removing a number of business days to or from a date.
BUSDAYYEARENDReturns the last business day in a particular year.
BUSDAYYEARSTARTReturns the first business day in a particular year.
CONVERTTIMEReturns the time converted to a decimal, given hours, minutes or seconds.
DATEADDTENORReturns the date after adding or removing a tenor.
DATEADDYMDReturns the date after adding or removing a given number of years, months and days.
DATECOUNTFRACTIONReturns the date count fraction between two dates.
DATEDIFFERENCE(Replaces DATEDIF) Returns the number of days, months or years between two dates.
DATEFIRSTReturns the first date of the day of a week, month or year.
DATEFREQUENCYTOTENORReturns the tenor based on the frequency.
DATEHOLIDAYSGETReturns the list of holidays between two dates.
DATELASTReturns the date of the last day of a week, month or year.
DATENEXTIMMReturns the International Money Market date based on a range.
DATESBEFORE1900Returns the results of adding and subtracting dates before 1900 which are represented as text.
DATESERIALReturns the date serial number given a date in text format.
DATEWHICHDAYReturns the date given a month, a week number and a day of the week.
DAYSACCRUALReturns the number of accrual days between two dates with a given basis.
DAYSINAMONTHReturns the number of days in a particular month and year.
DAYSINAYEARReturns the number of days in a particular year.
DAYSTOReturns the number of days (or other units) to a specific event.
DAYSTOCHRISTMASReturns the number of days to the next Christmas.
ISDATEVALIDReturns whether a particular value is a valid date.
ISDATEBUSDAYReturns whether a particular value is a valid business day.
ISDATEFIRSTReturns whether a date is the first of a week, month or year.
ISDATELASTReturns whether a date is the last of a week, month or year.
NETWORKDAYSMISCReturns the number of days between two dates using a defined list of workdays.
TIMENOWReturns the current time as a string (in the format "hh:mm:ss").
WEEKNUMBERReturns the week number of a particular date.
WORKDAY6Returns the serial number before or after a given number of days from a start date assuming a 6-day working week.
WORKDAYSMISCReturns the serial number before or after a given number of days from a start date using a defined list of workdays.
Returns the age of a person given a birthday.
Returns the number of business days between two dates.
Returns the last business day in a particular month and year.
Returns the first business day in a particular month and year.
Returns the next business day if the given date is not a business day.
Returns the nth business day in a particular month and year.
Returns the previous business day if the given date is not a business day.
Returns the date after adding or removing a number of business days to or from a date.
Returns the last business day in a particular year.
Returns the first business day in a particular year.
Returns the time converted to a decimal, given hours, minutes or seconds.
Returns the date after adding or removing a tenor.
Returns the date after adding or removing a given number of years, months and days.
Returns the date count fraction between two dates.
(Replaces DATEDIF) Returns the number of days, months or years between two dates.
Returns the first date of the day of a week, month or year.
Returns the tenor based on the frequency.
Returns the list of holidays between two dates.
Returns the date of the last day of a week, month or year.
Returns the International Money Market date based on a range.
Returns the results of adding and subtracting dates before 1900 which are represented as text.
Returns the date serial number given a date in text format.
Returns the date given a month, a week number and a day of the week.
Returns the number of accrual days between two dates with a given basis.
Returns the number of days in a particular month and year.
Returns the number of days in a particular year.
Returns the number of days (or other units) to a specific event.
Returns the number of days to the next Christmas.
Returns whether a particular value is a valid date.
Returns whether a particular value is a valid business day.
Returns whether a date is the first of a week, month or year.
Returns whether a date is the last of a week, month or year.
Returns the number of days between two dates using a defined list of workdays.
Returns the current time as a string (in the format "hh:mm:ss").
Returns the week number of a particular date.
Returns the serial number before or after a given number of days from a start date assuming a 6-day working week.
Returns the serial number before or after a given number of days from a start date using a defined list of workdays.

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