Returns whether a date is the last of a week, month or year.
For instructions on how to add a function to a workbook refer to the page under Inserting Functions


Returns whether a date is the last day of the month.

Optional ByVal dtDateValue As Date) As Boolean

Dim iDay As Integer
Dim iMonth As Integer
Dim iYear As Integer
Dim iNoOfDays As Integer
    If VBA.IsMissing(dtDateValue) Then
        dtDateValue = VBA.Date
    End If

    iDay = VBA.Day(dtDateValue)
    iMonth = VBA.Month(dtDateValue)
    iYear = VBA.Year(dtDateValue)
    iNoOfDays = VBA.Day(VBA.DateSerial(iYear, iMonth + 1, 1) - 1)
    If (iDay = iNoOfDays) Then ISDATELAST_OFAMONTH = True
    If (iDay < iNoOfDays) Then ISDATELAST_OFAMONTH = False
End Function


Returns whether a date is the last day of the week.

Public Function ISDATE_LASTOFAWEEK( _ 
Optional ByVal dtDateValue As Date) As Boolean

    ISDATELAST_OFAWEEK = dtDateValue - VBA.Weekday(dtDateValue, vbUseSystemDayOfWeek) + 7
End Function


Returns whether a date is the last day of the year.

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