Category - Information

List of user defined functions

CELLTYPEReturns the type of value that is contained in a particular cell.
COLUMNWIDTHReturns the column width of the active cell.
COMPUTERNAMEReturns the full computer name of where the code is running.
EXCELDIRReturns the various folder locations that Excel uses including installation and startup.
FILEEXISTSReturns whether a particular file exists.
FOLDEREXISTSReturns whether a particular folder exists.
ISBETWEENReturns whether a particular cell value is between a range.
ISBOLDReturns whether a particular cell has bold formatting applied.
ISINTEGERReturns whether a particular number is an integer number.
ISITALICReturns whether a particular cell has italic formatting applied.
ISLOCKEDReturns whether a particular cell is locked or not.
ISLOWERReturns whether a particular string is in lower case.
ISMERGEDReturns whether a particular cell is merged or not.
ISPRIMEReturns whether a particular number is a prime number.
ISPROPERReturns whether a particular string is in proper case.
ISUNDERLINEReturns whether a particular cell has underline formatting applied to it.
ISUPPERReturns whether a particular string is in upper case.
ISWRAPPEDReturns whether a particular cell has text wrap formatting applied.
LASTINCOLUMNReturns the last cell that contains data in a particular column.
LASTINROWReturns the last cell that contains data in a particular row.
ROWHEIGHTReturns the row height of the active cell.
USERNAMEReturns the application's user name or the domain username.
WORKBOOKFILEEXTENSIONReturns the file extension
WORKBOOKFILENAMEReturns the name of the workbook (with or without file extension)
WORKBOOKPATHReturns the folder path of the active workbook.
WORKBOOKPATHFILENAMEReturns the folder path and file name of the active workbook.
WORKBOOKPROPERTIESReturns a particular workbook property of the active workbook.
WORKSHEETNAMEReturns the name of a worksheet in the active workbook given an index position.
Returns the type of value that is contained in a particular cell.
Returns the column width of the active cell.
Returns the full computer name of where the code is running.
Returns the various folder locations that Excel uses including installation and startup.
Returns whether a particular file exists.
Returns whether a particular folder exists.
Returns whether a particular cell value is between a range.
Returns whether a particular cell has bold formatting applied.
Returns whether a particular number is an integer number.
Returns whether a particular cell has italic formatting applied.
Returns whether a particular cell is locked or not.
Returns whether a particular string is in lower case.
Returns whether a particular cell is merged or not.
Returns whether a particular number is a prime number.
Returns whether a particular string is in proper case.
Returns whether a particular cell has underline formatting applied to it.
Returns whether a particular string is in upper case.
Returns whether a particular cell has text wrap formatting applied.
Returns the last cell that contains data in a particular column.
Returns the last cell that contains data in a particular row.
Returns the row height of the active cell.
Returns the application's user name or the domain username.
Returns the file extension
Returns the name of the workbook (with or without file extension)
Returns the folder path of the active workbook.
Returns the folder path and file name of the active workbook.
Returns a particular workbook property of the active workbook.
Returns the name of a worksheet in the active workbook given an index position.

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