Category - Formatting

List of user defined functions

FORMATGETReturns a specific formatting attribute that has been applied to a particular cell.
FORMATGET_FONTNAMEReturns the font name that has been applied to a particular cell.
FORMATGET_FONTSIZEReturns the font size that has been applied to a particular cell.
FORMATGET_FONTCOLORReturns the font color (as RGB) that has been applied to a particular cell.
FORMATGET_FONTCOLORINDEXReturns the font color index that has been applied to a particular cell.
FORMATGET_FONTCOLORTHEMEReturns the font theme color that has been applied to a particular cell.
FORMATGET_COLORReturns the background color (as RGB) that has been applied to a particular cell.
FORMATGET_COLORINDEXReturns the background index color that has been applied to a particular cell.
FORMATGET_COLORTHEMEReturns the background theme color that has been applied to a particular cell.
FORMATGET_CONDITIONALCOLORReturns the conditional formatting background color (as RGB) that has been applied.
FORMATGET_CONDITIONALCOLORINDEXReturns the conditional formatting color index that has been applied.
FORMATGET_CONDITIONALFONTCOLORReturns the conditional formatting font color (as RGB) that has been applied.
FORMATGET_CONDITIONALFONTCOLORINDEXReturns the conditional formatting font color index that has been applied
NUMBERFORMATGETReturns the number format that has been applied to a particular cell.
Returns a specific formatting attribute that has been applied to a particular cell.
Returns the font name that has been applied to a particular cell.
Returns the font size that has been applied to a particular cell.
Returns the font color (as RGB) that has been applied to a particular cell.
Returns the font color index that has been applied to a particular cell.
Returns the font theme color that has been applied to a particular cell.
Returns the background color (as RGB) that has been applied to a particular cell.
Returns the background index color that has been applied to a particular cell.
Returns the background theme color that has been applied to a particular cell.
Returns the conditional formatting background color (as RGB) that has been applied.
Returns the conditional formatting color index that has been applied.
Returns the conditional formatting font color (as RGB) that has been applied.
Returns the conditional formatting font color index that has been applied
Returns the number format that has been applied to a particular cell.

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