Google Sheets

The following functions are only available in Google Sheets.

ADDReturns the sum of two numbers. Equivalent to the `+` operator.
ARRAY_CONSTRAINConstrains an array result to a specified size.
ARRAYFORMULAEnables the display of values returned from an array formula into multiple rows and/or columns and the use of non-array functions with arrays.
AVERAGE.WEIGHTEDFinds the weighted average of a set of values, given the values and the corresponding weights.
COUNTUNIQUECounts the number of unique values in a list of specified values and ranges.
COUNTUNIQUEIFSCounts the number of unique values in a list of specified values and ranges depending on multiple criteria.
DIVIDEReturns one number divided by another. Equivalent to the `/` operator.
EPOCHTODATEConverts a Unix epoch timestamp in seconds, milliseconds, or microseconds to a datetime in UTC.
EQReturns True if two specified values are equal and False otherwise. Equivalent to the `=` operator.
FLATTENFlattens all the values from one or more ranges into a single column.
GOOGLEFINANCEFetches current or historical securities information from Google Finance.
GOOGLETRANSLATETranslates text from one language into another.
GTReturns True if the first argument is strictly greater than the second, and False otherwise. Equivalent to the `>` operator.
GTEReturns True if the first argument is greater than or equal to the second, and False otherwise. Equivalent to the `>=` operator.
IMLOGReturns the logarithm of a complex number for a specified base.
IMPORTDATAImports data at a given url in .csv (comma-separated value) or .tsv (tab-separated value) format.
IMPORTFEEDImports a RSS or ATOM feed.
IMPORTHTMLImports data from a table or list within an HTML page.
IMPORTRANGEImports a range of cells from a specified spreadsheet.
IMPORTXMLImports data from any of various structured data types including XML, HTML, CSV, TSV, and RSS and ATOM XML feeds.
IMTANHReturns the hyperbolic tangent of the given complex number. For example, a given complex number "x+yi" returns "tanh(x+yi)."
ISBETWEENChecks whether a provided number is between two other numbers either inclusively or exclusively.
ISDATEReturns whether a value is a date.
ISEMAILChecks whether a value is a valid email address.
ISURLChecks whether a value is a valid URL.
JOINConcatenates the elements of one or more one-dimensional arrays using a specified delimiter.
LTReturns True if the first argument is strictly less than the second, and False otherwise. Equivalent to the `<` operator.
LTEReturns True if the first argument is less than or equal to the second, and False otherwise. Equivalent to the `<=` operator.
MARGINOFERRORCalculates the amount of random sampling error given a range of values and a confidence level.
MINUSReturns the difference of two numbers. Equivalent to the `-` operator.
MULTIPLYReturns the product of two numbers. Equivalent to the `*` operator.
NEReturns True if two specified values are not equal and False otherwise. Equivalent to the `<>` operator.
PERCENTIFReturns the percentage of a range that meets a condition.
POWReturns a number raised to a power.
QUERYRuns a Google Visualization API Query Language query across data.
REGEXTESTReturns return True or False depending if the pattern matches any part of a text string.
SORTNReturns the first n items in a data set after performing a sort.
SPARKLINECreates a miniature chart contained within a single cell.
SPLITDivides text around a specified character or string, and puts each fragment into a separate cell in the row.
TO_DATEConverts a provided number to a date.
TO_DOLLARSConverts a provided number to a dollar value.
TO_PERCENTConverts a provided number to a percentage.
TO_PURE_NUMBERConverts a provided date/time, percentage, currency or other formatted numeric value to a pure number without formatting.
TO_TEXTConverts a provided numeric value to a text value.
UMINUSReturns a number with the sign reversed.
UNARY_PERCENTReturns a value interpreted as a percentage; that is, `UNARY_PERCENT(100)` equals `1`.
UPLUSReturns a specified number, unchanged.
Returns the sum of two numbers. Equivalent to the `+` operator.
Constrains an array result to a specified size.
Enables the display of values returned from an array formula into multiple rows and/or columns and the use of non-array functions with arrays.
Finds the weighted average of a set of values, given the values and the corresponding weights.
Counts the number of unique values in a list of specified values and ranges.
Counts the number of unique values in a list of specified values and ranges depending on multiple criteria.
Returns one number divided by another. Equivalent to the `/` operator.
Converts a Unix epoch timestamp in seconds, milliseconds, or microseconds to a datetime in UTC.
Returns True if two specified values are equal and False otherwise. Equivalent to the `=` operator.
Flattens all the values from one or more ranges into a single column.
Fetches current or historical securities information from Google Finance.
Translates text from one language into another.
Returns True if the first argument is strictly greater than the second, and False otherwise. Equivalent to the `>` operator.
Returns True if the first argument is greater than or equal to the second, and False otherwise. Equivalent to the `>=` operator.
Returns the logarithm of a complex number for a specified base.
Imports data at a given url in .csv (comma-separated value) or .tsv (tab-separated value) format.
Imports a RSS or ATOM feed.
Imports data from a table or list within an HTML page.
Imports a range of cells from a specified spreadsheet.
Imports data from any of various structured data types including XML, HTML, CSV, TSV, and RSS and ATOM XML feeds.
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the given complex number. For example, a given complex number "x+yi" returns "tanh(x+yi)."
Checks whether a provided number is between two other numbers either inclusively or exclusively.
Returns whether a value is a date.
Checks whether a value is a valid email address.
Checks whether a value is a valid URL.
Concatenates the elements of one or more one-dimensional arrays using a specified delimiter.
Returns True if the first argument is strictly less than the second, and False otherwise. Equivalent to the `<` operator.
Returns True if the first argument is less than or equal to the second, and False otherwise. Equivalent to the `<=` operator.
Calculates the amount of random sampling error given a range of values and a confidence level.
Returns the difference of two numbers. Equivalent to the `-` operator.
Returns the product of two numbers. Equivalent to the `*` operator.
Returns True if two specified values are not equal and False otherwise. Equivalent to the `<>` operator.
Returns the percentage of a range that meets a condition.
Returns a number raised to a power.
Runs a Google Visualization API Query Language query across data.
Returns return True or False depending if the pattern matches any part of a text string.
Returns the first n items in a data set after performing a sort.
Creates a miniature chart contained within a single cell.
Divides text around a specified character or string, and puts each fragment into a separate cell in the row.
Converts a provided number to a date.
Converts a provided number to a dollar value.
Converts a provided number to a percentage.
Converts a provided date/time, percentage, currency or other formatted numeric value to a pure number without formatting.
Converts a provided numeric value to a text value.
Returns a number with the sign reversed.
Returns a value interpreted as a percentage; that is, `UNARY_PERCENT(100)` equals `1`.
Returns a specified number, unchanged.

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