Wildcard Functions

The following is a list of functions that accept the wildcard characters (? and *).
Wildcard character: ? = a single character.
Wildcard character: * = multiple characters.
To include the actual wildcard characters use a tilde prefix (~?), (~*) and (~~).

One or More Conditions

AVERAGEIFThe arithmetic mean of all the numbers in a range that satisfies one condition.
AVERAGEIFSThe arithmetic mean of all the numbers in a range that satisfies multiple conditions.
COUNTIFThe number of non blank cells that satisfies one condition.
COUNTIFSThe number of non blank cells that satisfies multiple conditions.
MAXIFSThe largest value in a list or array of numbers that satisfies multiple conditions.
MINIFSThe smallest value in a list or array of numbers that satisfies multiple conditions.
SUMIFThe total value of the numbers that satisfies one condition.
SUMIFSThe total value of the numbers that satisfies multiple conditions.
The arithmetic mean of all the numbers in a range that satisfies one condition.
The arithmetic mean of all the numbers in a range that satisfies multiple conditions.
The number of non blank cells that satisfies one condition.
The number of non blank cells that satisfies multiple conditions.
The largest value in a list or array of numbers that satisfies multiple conditions.
The smallest value in a list or array of numbers that satisfies multiple conditions.
The total value of the numbers that satisfies one condition.
The total value of the numbers that satisfies multiple conditions.

Lookup and Reference

MATCHThe position of a value in a list, table or cell range.
VLOOKUPThe value in the same row after finding a matching value in the first column.
HLOOKUPThe value in the same column after finding a matching value in the first row.
XLOOKUPThe value in the same row after finding a matching value in any column.
XMATCHThe position of a value in a list, table or cell range.
The position of a value in a list, table or cell range.
The value in the same row after finding a matching value in the first column.
The value in the same column after finding a matching value in the first row.
The value in the same row after finding a matching value in any column.
The position of a value in a list, table or cell range.


SEARCHThe position of a substring within a larger text string.
The position of a substring within a larger text string.


DAVERAGEThe arithmetic mean of non blank cells in a column satisfying certain conditions.
DCOUNTThe total number of non blank cells in a column satisfying certain conditions.
DCOUNTAThe total number of non blank cells in a column satisfying certain conditions (including logical values and text).
DGETThe single value in a column satisfying certain conditions.
DMAXThe largest value in a column satisfying certain conditions.
DMINThe smallest value in a column satisfying certain conditions.
DPRODUCTThe product of values in a column satisfying certain conditions.
DSTDEVThe standard deviation of a column satisfying certain conditions based on a sample.
DSTDEVPThe standard deviation of a column satisfying certain conditions based on an entire population.
DSUMThe total of the values in a column satisfying certain conditions.
DVARThe variance of a column satisfying certain conditions based on a sample.
DVARPThe variance of a column satisfying certain conditions based on an entire population.
The arithmetic mean of non blank cells in a column satisfying certain conditions.
The total number of non blank cells in a column satisfying certain conditions.
The total number of non blank cells in a column satisfying certain conditions (including logical values and text).
The single value in a column satisfying certain conditions.
The largest value in a column satisfying certain conditions.
The smallest value in a column satisfying certain conditions.
The product of values in a column satisfying certain conditions.
The standard deviation of a column satisfying certain conditions based on a sample.
The standard deviation of a column satisfying certain conditions based on an entire population.
The total of the values in a column satisfying certain conditions.
The variance of a column satisfying certain conditions based on a sample.
The variance of a column satisfying certain conditions based on an entire population.

VBA Functions

For a list of VBA Functions that can use wildcard characters, please refer to this Wildcard Functions page.

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