Alphabetical - P

PDURATIONThe number of periods required by an investment to reach a specified value.
PEARSONThe pearson product moment correlation coefficient.
PERCENTILE(PERCENTILE.INC) The value from a data set that corresponds to a particular percentage (inclusive).
PERCENTILE.EXCThe value from a data set that corresponds to a particular percentage (exclusive).
PERCENTILE.INCThe value from a data set that corresponds to a particular percentage (inclusive).
PERCENTRANK(PERCENTRANK.INC) The rank of a value as a percentage (inclusive).
PERCENTRANK.EXCThe rank of a value as a percentage (exclusive).
PERCENTRANK.INCThe rank of a value as a percentage (inclusive).
PERMUTThe number of permutations for a subset of objects or events.
PERMUTATIONAThe number of permutations for a subset of objects or events (with repetition).
PHIThe value of the density function for a standard normal distribution.
PHONETICThe phonetic characters from a text string.
PIThe number PI (3.141592).
PIVOTBY(2023) Preview. The grouping of your data along two axis and aggregates the associated values.
PMTThe full amount (principal + interest) paid every period on a loan with fixed interest.
POISSON(POISSON.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a poisson distribution.
POISSON.DISTThe probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a poisson distribution.
POWERThe number raised to a given power.
PPMTThe principal amount paid on a given period on a loan with fixed interest.
PRICEThe price of a security that pays periodic interest.
PRICEDISCThe price of a discounted security (no interest payments).
PRICEMATThe price of a security that pays interest at maturity.
PROBThe probability that the values in a data set are greater than a lower limit and less than an upper limit.
PRODUCTThe product of all the numerical values.
PROPERThe text string with the first letter of every word as a capital letter.
PVThe present value of a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals.
PY(2023) New. The value or object after running code in a Python Editor using the Microsoft Cloud runtime.
The number of periods required by an investment to reach a specified value.
The pearson product moment correlation coefficient.
(PERCENTILE.INC) The value from a data set that corresponds to a particular percentage (inclusive).
The value from a data set that corresponds to a particular percentage (exclusive).
The value from a data set that corresponds to a particular percentage (inclusive).
(PERCENTRANK.INC) The rank of a value as a percentage (inclusive).
The rank of a value as a percentage (exclusive).
The rank of a value as a percentage (inclusive).
The number of permutations for a subset of objects or events.
The number of permutations for a subset of objects or events (with repetition).
The value of the density function for a standard normal distribution.
The phonetic characters from a text string.
The number PI (3.141592).
(2023) Preview. The grouping of your data along two axis and aggregates the associated values.
The full amount (principal + interest) paid every period on a loan with fixed interest.
(POISSON.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a poisson distribution.
The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a poisson distribution.
The number raised to a given power.
The principal amount paid on a given period on a loan with fixed interest.
The price of a security that pays periodic interest.
The price of a discounted security (no interest payments).
The price of a security that pays interest at maturity.
The probability that the values in a data set are greater than a lower limit and less than an upper limit.
The product of all the numerical values.
The text string with the first letter of every word as a capital letter.
The present value of a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals.
(2023) New. The value or object after running code in a Python Editor using the Microsoft Cloud runtime.

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