Alphabetical - W

WEBSERVICEThe results from a webservice.
WEEKDAYThe day of the week for a given date.
WEEKNUMThe week number in the year for a given date (based on US convention).
WEIBULL(WEIBULL.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a weibull distribution.
WEIBULL.DISTThe probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a weibull distribution.
WORKDAY(WORKDAY.INTL) The date serial number that is a given number of working days before or after a date.
WORKDAY.INTLThe date serial number that is a given number of working days before or after a date.
WRAPCOLS(2024) The array transformed into multiple columns.
WRAPROWS(2024) The array transformed into multiple rows.
The results from a webservice.
The day of the week for a given date.
The week number in the year for a given date (based on US convention).
(WEIBULL.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a weibull distribution.
The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a weibull distribution.
(WORKDAY.INTL) The date serial number that is a given number of working days before or after a date.
The date serial number that is a given number of working days before or after a date.
(2024) The array transformed into multiple columns.
(2024) The array transformed into multiple rows.

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