BINOM.DIST(number_s, trials, probability_s, cumulative)

Returns the probability of getting a specific number of successes using a binomial distribution.

number_sThe number of successes.
trialsThe total number of trials.
probability_sThe probability of a success on each trial.
cumulativeA logical value indicating the type of function to use:
False (or 0) = individual probability (equal to)
True (<> 0) = cumulative probability (equal to or less than)

* For an illustrated example refer to the page under Distributions
* The binomial distribution is a discrete distribution
* The binomial distribution is used when there are only two possible outcomes.
* If any of the arguments are not numeric, then #VALUE! is returned.
* The "number_s" and "trials" are truncated to integers.
* If "number_s" < 0, then #NUM! is returned.
* If "number_s" > "trials", then #NUM! is returned.
* If "probability_s" < 0, then #NUM! is returned.
* If "probability_s" > 1, then #NUM! is returned.
* If "cumulative" = False, then the height of the curve at "x" is returned.
* If "cumulative" = True, then the area under the curve to the left of "x" is returned. Example 5.
* You can use the BINOM.INV function to return the number of trials needed for a specific amount of success using a binomial distribution.
* You can use the BINOM.DIST.RANGE function to return the probability of a trial result using a binomial distribution.
* You can use the NEGBINOM.DIST function to return the probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a negative binomial distribution.
* You can use the POISSON.DIST function return the probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a poisson distribution.
* This function was added in Excel 2010 to replace the BINOMDIST function.
* For the Microsoft documentation refer to

1=BINOM.DIST(1, 1, 0.5, FALSE) = 50%
2=BINOM.DIST(0, 1, 0.5, FALSE) = 50%
3=BINOM.DIST(1, 2, 0.5, FALSE) = 50%
4=BINOM.DIST(1, 3, 0.5, FALSE) = 37.5%
5=BINOM.DIST(2, 3, 0.5, TRUE) = 87.5%
6=BINOM.DIST(1, 1, 1/6, FALSE) = 16.67%
7=BINOM.DIST(2, 3, -0.5, FALSE) = #NUM!
8=BINOM.DIST(2, "some text", 0.5, FALSE) = #VALUE!

1 - What is the probability of getting heads when you throw a coin.
2 - What is the probability of getting tails when you throw a coin.
3 - What is the probability of getting exactly one head when you throw a coin 2 times.
4 - What is the probability of getting exactly one head when you throw a coin 3 times.
5 - What is the probability of getting at least two heads when you throw a coin 3 times.
6 - What is the probability of getting a 6 when you roll a dice.
7 - What is the probability when the "probability_s" is negative.
8 - What is the probability when an argument is not a number.

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