Statistical Functions

AVEDEVThe average deviation of the numerical values.
AVERAGEThe arithmetic mean of the numerical values.
AVERAGEAThe arithmetic mean of the numerical values (including logical values and text).
AVERAGEIF(AVERAGEIFS) The arithmetic mean of the numerical values that satisfies one condition.
AVERAGEIFSThe arithmetic mean of the numerical values that satisfies multiple conditions.
BETA.DISTThe probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a beta distribution.
BETA.INVThe inverse of the cumulative probability function for a beta distribution.
BETADIST(BETA.DIST) The cumulative probability function for a beta distribution (only cumulative).
BETAINV(BETA.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a beta distribution.
BINOM.DISTThe probability of getting a specific number of successes using a binomial distribution.
BINOM.DIST.RANGEThe probability of a trial result using a binomial distribution.
BINOM.INVThe number of trials needed for a specific amount of success using a binomial distribution.
BINOMDIST(BINOM.DIST) The probability of getting a specific number of successes using a binomial distribution.
CHIDIST(CHISQ.DIST.RT) The probability distribution function for a chi-squared distribution (right tailed) (no cumulative).
CHIINV(CHISQ.INV.RT) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a chi-squared distribution (right tailed).
CHISQ.DISTThe probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a chi-squared distribution (left tailed).
CHISQ.DIST.RTThe probability distribution function for a chi-squared distribution (right tailed) (no cumulative).
CHISQ.INVThe inverse of the probability distribution function for a chi-squared distribution (left tailed).
CHISQ.INV.RTThe inverse of the probability distribution function for a chi-squared distribution (right tailed) (no cumulative).
CHISQ.TESTThe probability value from a chi-squared distribution.
CHITEST(CHISQ.TEST) The probability value from a chi-squared distribution.
CONFIDENCE(CONFIDENCE.NORM) The confidence interval for a population mean.
CONFIDENCE.NORMThe confidence interval for a population mean.
CONFIDENCE.TThe confidence interval for a population mean using a t distribution.
CORRELThe correlation coefficient between two data sets.
COUNTThe number of numerical values.
COUNTAThe number of numerical values (including logical values and text).
COUNTBLANKThe number of empty cells.
COUNTIF(COUNTIFS) The number of numerical values that satisfies one condition.
COUNTIFSThe number of numerical values that satisfies multiple conditions.
COVAR(COVARIANCE.P) The covariance based on an entire population.
COVARIANCE.PThe covariance based on an entire population.
COVARIANCE.SThe covariance based on a sample.
CRITBINOM(BINOM.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a binomial distribution (renamed).
DEVSQThe sum of the squared deviations from the mean.
EXPON.DISTThe probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for an exponential distribution.
EXPONDIST(EXPON.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for an exponential distribution.
F.DISTThe probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for an f distribution (left tailed).
F.DIST.RTThe probability distribution function for an f distribution (right tailed) (no cumulative).
F.INVThe inverse of the probability distribution function for an f distribution (left tailed).
F.INV.RTThe inverse of the probability distribution function for an f distribution (right tailed).
F.TESTThe probability value from an f distribution.
FDIST(F.DIST) The probability distribution function for an f distribution (left tailed) (no cumulative).
FINV(F.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for an f distribution (left tailed).
FISHERThe fisher transformation.
FISHERINVThe inverse of the fisher transformation.
FORECAST(FORECAST.LINEAR) The future y-value along a linear trend using existing values.
FORECAST.ETSThe future value based on historical values.
FORECAST.LINEARThe future y-value along a linear trend using existing values.
FREQUENCYThe number of times a particular value occurs.
FTEST(F.TEST) The probability value from an f distribution.
GAMMAThe gamma function value.
GAMMA.DISTThe probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a gamma distribution.
GAMMA.INVThe inverse of the cumulative probability function for a gamma distribution.
GAMMADIST(GAMMA.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a gamma distribution.
GAMMAINV(GAMMA.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution for a gamma distribution.
GAMMALN(GAMMALN.PRECISE) The natural logarithm of the gamma function.
GAMMALN.PRECISEThe natural logarithm of the gamma function.
GAUSSThe 0.5 less than the standard normal cumulative distribution.
GEOMEANThe geometric mean of an array of numbers.
GROWTHThe predicted exponential growth using existing data.
HARMEANThe harmonic mean of a data set.
HYPGEOM.DISTThe probability distribution functon OR the cumulative probability function for a hypergeometric distribution.
HYPGEOMDIST(HYPGEOM.DIST) The cumulative probability function for a hypergeometric distribution (only cumulative).
INTERCEPTThe intersection with the y-axis using a linear regression plotted through known values.
KURTThe kurtosis for a list or array of numbers.
LARGEThe kth largest numerical value.
LINESTThe array of values for a straight line that best fits your data.
LOGESTThe array of values for an exponential curve that best fits your data.
LOGINV(LOGNORM.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a lognormal distribution.
LOGNORM.DISTThe probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a lognormal distribution.
LOGNORM.INVThe inverse of the probability distribution function for a lognormal distribution.
LOGNORMDIST(LOGNORM.DIST) The cumulative probability function for a lognormal distribution (only cumulative).
MAXThe largest numerical value.
MAXAThe largest numerical value (including logical values and text).
MAXIFS(2019) The largest numerical value that satisfies multiple conditions.
MEDIANThe number in the middle of a set of numbers.
MINThe smallest numerical value.
MINAThe smallest numerical value (including logical values and text).
MINIFS(2019) The smallest numerical value that satisfies multiple conditions.
MODE(MODE.SNGL) The first number that appears the most often in a set.
MODE.MULTThe array of all the numbers that appears the most often in a set.
MODE.SNGLThe first number that appears the most often in a set.
NEGBINOM.DISTThe probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a negative binomial distribution.
NEGBINOMDIST(NEGBINOM.DIST) The probability distribution function for a negative binomial distribution (no cumulative).
NORM.DISTThe probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a normal distribution.
NORM.INVThe inverse of the probability distribution function for a normal distribution.
NORM.S.DISTThe probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a standard normal distribution.
NORM.S.INVThe inverse of the probability distribution function for a standard normal distribution.
NORMDIST(NORM.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a normal distribution.
NORMINV(NORM.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a normal distribution.
NORMSDIST(NORM.S.DIST) The probability distribution function for a standard normal distribution (no cumulative).
NORMSINV(NORM.S.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a standard normal distribution.
PEARSONThe pearson product moment correlation coefficient.
PERCENTILE(PERCENTILE.INC) The value from a data set that corresponds to a particular percentage (inclusive).
PERCENTILE.EXCThe value from a data set that corresponds to a particular percentage (exclusive).
PERCENTILE.INCThe value from a data set that corresponds to a particular percentage (inclusive).
PERCENTRANK(PERCENTRANK.INC) The rank of a value as a percentage (inclusive).
PERCENTRANK.EXCThe rank of a value as a percentage (exclusive).
PERCENTRANK.INCThe rank of a value as a percentage (inclusive).
PERMUTThe number of permutations for a subset of objects or events.
PERMUTATIONAThe number of permutations for a subset of objects or events (with repetition).
PHIThe value of the density function for a standard normal distribution.
POISSON(POISSON.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a poisson distribution.
POISSON.DISTThe probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a poisson distribution.
PROBThe probability that the values in a data set are greater than a lower limit and less than an upper limit.
QUARTILE(QUARTILE.INC) The quartile of a data set (inclusive).
QUARTILE.EXCThe quartile of a data set (exclusive).
QUARTILE.INCThe quartile of a data set (inclusive).
RANK(RANK.EQ) The rank of a value in descending order (equal ranking).
RANK.AVGThe rank of a value in descending order (average ranking).
RANK.EQThe rank of a value in descending order (equal ranking).
RSQThe square of pearson product moment correlation coefficient through data points in known y's and known x's.
SKEWThe number representing the skewness of a distribution based on a sample.
SKEW.PThe number representing the skewness of a distribution based on an entire population.
SLOPEThe slope of a linear regression line through the given data points.
SMALLThe kth smallest numerical value.
STANDARDIZEThe normalized value from a distributed characterised by a mean and a standard deviation.
STDEV(STDEV.S) The standard deviation based on a sample.
STDEV.PThe standard deviation based on an entire population.
STDEV.SThe standard deviation based on a sample.
STDEVAThe standard deviation based on a sample (including logical values and text).
STDEVP(STDEV.P) The standard deviation based on an entire population.
STDEVPAThe standard deviation based on an entire population (including logical values and text).
STEYXThe standard error of a regression.
T.DISTThe probability distribution function for a t distribution (left tailed).
T.DIST.2TThe probability distribution function for a two tailed distribution (no cumulative).
T.DIST.RTThe probability distribution function for a t distribution (right tailed) (no cumulative).
T.INVThe inverse of the probability distribution function for a t distribution (left tailed)
T.INV.2TThe inverse of the probability distribution function for a two tailed distribution.
T.TESTThe probability value from a t distribution.
TDIST(T.DIST.2T) The percentage points probability for the t distribution.
TINV(T.INV.2T) The t-value of the distribution as a function of the probability and the degrees of freedom.
TRENDThe y-values along a linear trend given a set of x-values.
TRIMMEANThe mean of the interior of a data set.
TTEST(T.TEST) The probability value from a t distribution.
VAR(VAR.S) The variance based on a sample.
VAR.PThe variance based on an entire population.
VAR.SThe variance based on a sample.
VARAThe variance based on a sample (including logical values and text).
VARP(VAR.P) The variance based on an entire population.
VARPAThe variance based on an entire population (including logical values and text).
WEIBULL(WEIBULL.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a weibull distribution.
WEIBULL.DISTThe probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a weibull distribution.
Z.TESTThe probability that the supplied hypothesized sample mean is greater than the mean of the supplied data values.
ZTEST(Z.TEST) The probability that the supplied hypothesized sample mean is greater than the mean of the supplied data values.
The average deviation of the numerical values.
The arithmetic mean of the numerical values.
The arithmetic mean of the numerical values (including logical values and text).
(AVERAGEIFS) The arithmetic mean of the numerical values that satisfies one condition.
The arithmetic mean of the numerical values that satisfies multiple conditions.
The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a beta distribution.
The inverse of the cumulative probability function for a beta distribution.
(BETA.DIST) The cumulative probability function for a beta distribution (only cumulative).
(BETA.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a beta distribution.
The probability of getting a specific number of successes using a binomial distribution.
The probability of a trial result using a binomial distribution.
The number of trials needed for a specific amount of success using a binomial distribution.
(BINOM.DIST) The probability of getting a specific number of successes using a binomial distribution.
(CHISQ.DIST.RT) The probability distribution function for a chi-squared distribution (right tailed) (no cumulative).
(CHISQ.INV.RT) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a chi-squared distribution (right tailed).
The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a chi-squared distribution (left tailed).
The probability distribution function for a chi-squared distribution (right tailed) (no cumulative).
The inverse of the probability distribution function for a chi-squared distribution (left tailed).
The inverse of the probability distribution function for a chi-squared distribution (right tailed) (no cumulative).
The probability value from a chi-squared distribution.
(CHISQ.TEST) The probability value from a chi-squared distribution.
(CONFIDENCE.NORM) The confidence interval for a population mean.
The confidence interval for a population mean.
The confidence interval for a population mean using a t distribution.
The correlation coefficient between two data sets.
The number of numerical values.
The number of numerical values (including logical values and text).
The number of empty cells.
(COUNTIFS) The number of numerical values that satisfies one condition.
The number of numerical values that satisfies multiple conditions.
(COVARIANCE.P) The covariance based on an entire population.
The covariance based on an entire population.
The covariance based on a sample.
(BINOM.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a binomial distribution (renamed).
The sum of the squared deviations from the mean.
The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for an exponential distribution.
(EXPON.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for an exponential distribution.
The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for an f distribution (left tailed).
The probability distribution function for an f distribution (right tailed) (no cumulative).
The inverse of the probability distribution function for an f distribution (left tailed).
The inverse of the probability distribution function for an f distribution (right tailed).
The probability value from an f distribution.
(F.DIST) The probability distribution function for an f distribution (left tailed) (no cumulative).
(F.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for an f distribution (left tailed).
The fisher transformation.
The inverse of the fisher transformation.
(FORECAST.LINEAR) The future y-value along a linear trend using existing values.
The future value based on historical values.
The future y-value along a linear trend using existing values.
The number of times a particular value occurs.
(F.TEST) The probability value from an f distribution.
The gamma function value.
The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a gamma distribution.
The inverse of the cumulative probability function for a gamma distribution.
(GAMMA.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a gamma distribution.
(GAMMA.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution for a gamma distribution.
(GAMMALN.PRECISE) The natural logarithm of the gamma function.
The natural logarithm of the gamma function.
The 0.5 less than the standard normal cumulative distribution.
The geometric mean of an array of numbers.
The predicted exponential growth using existing data.
The harmonic mean of a data set.
The probability distribution functon OR the cumulative probability function for a hypergeometric distribution.
(HYPGEOM.DIST) The cumulative probability function for a hypergeometric distribution (only cumulative).
The intersection with the y-axis using a linear regression plotted through known values.
The kurtosis for a list or array of numbers.
The kth largest numerical value.
The array of values for a straight line that best fits your data.
The array of values for an exponential curve that best fits your data.
(LOGNORM.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a lognormal distribution.
The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a lognormal distribution.
The inverse of the probability distribution function for a lognormal distribution.
(LOGNORM.DIST) The cumulative probability function for a lognormal distribution (only cumulative).
The largest numerical value.
The largest numerical value (including logical values and text).
(2019) The largest numerical value that satisfies multiple conditions.
The number in the middle of a set of numbers.
The smallest numerical value.
The smallest numerical value (including logical values and text).
(2019) The smallest numerical value that satisfies multiple conditions.
(MODE.SNGL) The first number that appears the most often in a set.
The array of all the numbers that appears the most often in a set.
The first number that appears the most often in a set.
The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a negative binomial distribution.
(NEGBINOM.DIST) The probability distribution function for a negative binomial distribution (no cumulative).
The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a normal distribution.
The inverse of the probability distribution function for a normal distribution.
The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a standard normal distribution.
The inverse of the probability distribution function for a standard normal distribution.
(NORM.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a normal distribution.
(NORM.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a normal distribution.
(NORM.S.DIST) The probability distribution function for a standard normal distribution (no cumulative).
(NORM.S.INV) The inverse of the probability distribution function for a standard normal distribution.
The pearson product moment correlation coefficient.
(PERCENTILE.INC) The value from a data set that corresponds to a particular percentage (inclusive).
The value from a data set that corresponds to a particular percentage (exclusive).
The value from a data set that corresponds to a particular percentage (inclusive).
(PERCENTRANK.INC) The rank of a value as a percentage (inclusive).
The rank of a value as a percentage (exclusive).
The rank of a value as a percentage (inclusive).
The number of permutations for a subset of objects or events.
The number of permutations for a subset of objects or events (with repetition).
The value of the density function for a standard normal distribution.
(POISSON.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a poisson distribution.
The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a poisson distribution.
The probability that the values in a data set are greater than a lower limit and less than an upper limit.
(QUARTILE.INC) The quartile of a data set (inclusive).
The quartile of a data set (exclusive).
The quartile of a data set (inclusive).
(RANK.EQ) The rank of a value in descending order (equal ranking).
The rank of a value in descending order (average ranking).
The rank of a value in descending order (equal ranking).
The square of pearson product moment correlation coefficient through data points in known y's and known x's.
The number representing the skewness of a distribution based on a sample.
The number representing the skewness of a distribution based on an entire population.
The slope of a linear regression line through the given data points.
The kth smallest numerical value.
The normalized value from a distributed characterised by a mean and a standard deviation.
(STDEV.S) The standard deviation based on a sample.
The standard deviation based on an entire population.
The standard deviation based on a sample.
The standard deviation based on a sample (including logical values and text).
(STDEV.P) The standard deviation based on an entire population.
The standard deviation based on an entire population (including logical values and text).
The standard error of a regression.
The probability distribution function for a t distribution (left tailed).
The probability distribution function for a two tailed distribution (no cumulative).
The probability distribution function for a t distribution (right tailed) (no cumulative).
The inverse of the probability distribution function for a t distribution (left tailed)
The inverse of the probability distribution function for a two tailed distribution.
The probability value from a t distribution.
(T.DIST.2T) The percentage points probability for the t distribution.
(T.INV.2T) The t-value of the distribution as a function of the probability and the degrees of freedom.
The y-values along a linear trend given a set of x-values.
The mean of the interior of a data set.
(T.TEST) The probability value from a t distribution.
(VAR.S) The variance based on a sample.
The variance based on an entire population.
The variance based on a sample.
The variance based on a sample (including logical values and text).
(VAR.P) The variance based on an entire population.
The variance based on an entire population (including logical values and text).
(WEIBULL.DIST) The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a weibull distribution.
The probability distribution function OR the cumulative probability function for a weibull distribution.
The probability that the supplied hypothesized sample mean is greater than the mean of the supplied data values.
(Z.TEST) The probability that the supplied hypothesized sample mean is greater than the mean of the supplied data values.

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